BalrogLord, on 03 August 2014 - 06:22 PM, said:
Ah, well, see, I think I'm on like episode 10 or 11. It would be insanely easy for me to finish the series from there, but honestly I've been "CBF" about it for so long I now almost don't want to finish it. XD
Yup, it's a combination of the better writing in the Phantom Bullet arc and the people behind the adaptation actually stepping up their game.

d)akame ga kill continues to be entertaining.
e)mahouka kouko is now in the entertaining section
Pretty much. Haven't watched any Akame ga Kill yet, though.
I assume you mean the -monogatari series, so, Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Nekomonogatari BLACK, Monogatari Second Season (containing Nekomonogatari WHITE, Kabukimonogatari, Otorimonogatari, Onimonogatari and Koimonogatari, and after August 16th, also Hanamonogatari)?
What would you like to know about this masterpiece of modern storytelling by Studio SHAFT? XD (Other than: WATCH IT. *flecks of drool go flying*)
Is aldnoah zero any good? it flew below my radar. THere was another mecha show i was watching this season but i stopped it after 2 eps. Too generic.
Also rwby s2 is out if anyone is curious.
Oooh, I still need to watch RWBY. The preview looked awesome, but I haven't got around to it. I hate work. XD