QuickTidal, on 26 March 2012 - 11:21 AM, said:
amphibian, on 26 March 2012 - 03:48 AM, said:
Is it possible that Anno has decided to place a greater emphasis upon taking action in this Rebuild? As in he and the others working on the series felt that enough time had been spent thinking and exploring before so they didn't need to do so much more this time around?
Indeed a possibility, or my other thought was accessibility for newcomer viewers.
I agree with Quick Tidal in that it was probably done out of a desire to increase the series' accessibility. It's also possible that Anno himself is different. When he created the original series, Anno was battling severe depression and it shows in his characters. I suspect that he has gotten out of that hole and is much happier today than he was back in the mid 90's when he created the original series.
powerclaw, on 26 March 2012 - 03:49 PM, said:
Eltar, on 25 March 2012 - 09:25 PM, said:
3) Ah! My Goddess. A romance series for guys. A goddess from the goddess hotline grants a man a wish, and the story unfolds from there. It's a pure feel good anime, and if I've ever had a bad day and pop that in to watch, I have never failed to have my mood brighten. Yet as good as the anime is, the manga is better and is still ongoing.
4) Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu. The main character, a military man and guerrilla fighter since he was a kid, uses his skills to deal with normal everyday problems in comically explosive and violent manners. This is a pure parody series and is probably the funniest anime that I have ever seen.
10) FLCL. Only six episodes long, this series is philosophical at its essence. Combined with awesome fights and an absurdist approach to its artistic style, it's a unique and interesting anime.
I just wanted to second all of these. Tons of fun packed into all of these series.
I also wanted to know what you guys thought of Wolf's Rain. I loved it when I watched it. Some of my favorite theme music ever and really great ideas throughout. I've talked to some people that really didn't like it though which surprised me. They couldn't really articulate what it was they didn't like so I was curious what ya'll think of it.
I am sad to say that I am one of those people who never got into Wolf's Rain. Many of my friends did, and it is an excellent series, but it just doesn't fit my tastes. I am personally not a fan of werewolves or wolves/humans who can shape shift to the other in general and the story itself never really grabbed me. With that being said I would still recommend that anyone in search of an interesting science fiction story that possesses a twist give Wolf's Rain a try. It is quite well done.
Your mention of Wolf's Rain also reminded me of the one exception that I made to my shape shifting tastes, which is the
anime Spice and Wolf. If you like Wolf's Rain and Ah! My Goddess then I would
highly recommend you check this series out. It's another
anime that is completely unique, in that it follows a medieval European peddler with a somewhat special companion. The series focuses on their interaction with one another and explores economics as a story driving force. The deals and plans that he makes and/or takes part in are engaging, with everything having a logical basis that I personally find to be compelling.
And oh that Studio Ghibli is awesome! Miyazaki is a genius, and all of his works are fantastic. Enough said.