D, on 02 August 2014 - 09:05 PM, said:
Silencer, on 02 August 2014 - 06:21 AM, said:
Oh...oh no...Silencer just found another Studio SHAFT production...crap...
Mekakucity Actors. Check it out. XD
I watched the first episode... that was weird.
It's Studio SHAFT - so weird is kind of a given. It's also an adaptation of a series based on Vocaloid's with special abilities. So...yeah. I have no idea if it's actually any good or not, but "weird" is about my expectation for a SHAFT production.
Mahouka continues. Though I pretty much knew what this episode would entail. One does not simply
It's not a bad show, it just doesn't have a lot of depth to it. And it really suffers from the 'overflowing fountain of new powers as the plot demands' effect around Tatsuya. That's not exactly uncommon in
anime, but it wasn't handled with the greatest finesse in this series.
Honestly, I think it suffers from the wave of "let's adapt those guys who got published after winning the writing competition" syndrome that SAO produced. The problem is, SAO is actually a lot better written, despite having a similarly OP protagonist. My issues with the first two arcs of SAO's adaptation notwithstanding, the difference in the caliber of the source writing really shows through with these two. Mahouka is a perfectly good adaptation of worse writing. SAO was a worse adaptation of better writing. GGO's arc seems to have fixed the adaptation quality issue and voila (plus, GGO was a better arc anyway) it hits all the right notes.
But jumping on the bandwagon and adapting Mahouka just because it has a similar "success story" vibe behind it wasn't really the smartest of ideas, I think. Because it's turned decidedly "meh", unless you're into the shipping and occasional moments of badassery. Which is a shame. The world and plot have a lot of potential. They just needed a bit of work to actually be good, rather than just nice background dressing.
And onto SAOII. Going brilliantly. That first battle was handled pretty well. A lot of people probably forgot Kirito's "Listen" ability from SAO, though, so I guess that might look like a suddenly added in ability that he never had before, but it's not.
Plus, we got two awesome moments this episode:
This was really the benefit of GGO. It had a lot more pacing to it. SAO was great, but it was still a novel written to a deadline for a writing competition. Even with the re-jigging the author did for publication, it never got the flow *quite* down. GGO fixes a lot of that.

(Plus, the guy was a better writer by then, anyway.)
Still, I think given the latest episode of Zankyou no Terror that I'm going to have to say that it is winning the battle for this season so far. Just. My love for the SAO source material may be giving it an undue level of performance, too.
Disclaimer: I have not watched any Aldnoah.Zero - and I don't really have any plans to until such time as I have reason to believe it's not another, though apparently well done, mecha combat
anime which doesn't do enough to put it out of the "great for what it is" category and into "good regardless of category" zone. Because I still haven't finished Gargantia and I would rather wait for Aldnoah to finish airing before spending too much time/data on it. XD