Posted 07 February 2011 - 11:24 PM
I know where you got your info from, the whole - know right from wrong stuff. Pretty funny that, I was raised in a similar church, hell, a few months ago I even discussed those merits with obi in a thread in this very forum...but I've learned a bit since then, so I can say this
theres no significant difference in me and an "unsaved" (thats in quote marks because some people call the unsaved sinners, or fallen or numerous other weird things, lol for posterity I call you guys -non-believers.)
we all eat,sleep,love,feel,cry,laugh,lust,etc.
theres no significant differences in most religious people
we all eat sleep, pray, etc.
What makes Christianity so very different, and so very amazing to me is this
Amazing Grace, most people have heard the song, but what is grace?
Grace is knowing that Prime is gonna punch me in the face, allowing him to do it, and instead of punching him back, me telling him I love him anyway. Or a better example would be - Prime telling me that he hated me and every thing I stood for, kicking me in the nuts, killing my first born child in front of me, laughing at my first born childs existence for a few thousand years, and me not ending him.
We always hear God is jealous (and he is, doesn't care for false Gods etc.) and that he is Vengeful (killed all those people in Haiti, what a joke) and he is (destroyed the earth once, promised to do it again.
But we never here about how gracious he is. So people are turned off, deny his existence, and ignore any other messages that has the word God involved in it.
So yeah, I understand how some on this forum think bad of Christians, and think its a waste of good brain cells, I really do, but theres an unexplainable feeling that transforms your very mind when you think that of all of the religions in the world, only one includes the fact that
a bastard child was born to a women whos character was questioned because of that kid,
who was given Frankincense and Mir (used to embalm the dead) as a first birth day present,
grew into a man who never once (allegedly, heh cynics abound) made a mistake according to the law back then.
Yet a known thief (Barabbas, good movie) was let go, so they could crucify him, and died at 33
And because of that grew to be the most written about and discussed figure to have ever existed.
Seriously, thats nuts. yet there is roughly 2-3 billion followers currently, and that number still grows.
2 billion (about 1/3 of the worlds population) believe in that dude, not some rich guy who had nations trembling before him, not some weird animal god that shoots lightning bolts from his face, not even some guy who likes to eat alot. (refering to Budda, cool dude)
Theres gotta be an explanation for that, something extra-ordinary. I am still learning but its pretty cool stuff.
Hard to read though, all those thous and thys and begets and begots and forsooths, lol