Abyss, on 22 December 2010 - 08:58 PM, said:
Darkwatch, on 22 December 2010 - 08:43 PM, said:
Tapper, on 22 December 2010 - 11:15 AM, said:
* waits for Darkwatch to go on a crusade *
I hope the wait hasn't been too long.
Now. I assume you all know my position and so to save us all a whole bunch of grief, just imagine that I've gone off an a rant and I'll imagine that you've all gone and ignored it.
So here are some pictures.
That was totally worth the wait.
Why I do not like
1. The quality.
The main problem I have with these things is the overall quality in art and in story.
I understand where the art quality discrepency comes from. Manga/
Anime artists do not have guilds/unions, so they're like entry level service industry employees. Interchangeable with no forms of stable job security.
The deadlines are incredibly short for books that need to be about nearly 100 pages long. So artists found ways to simplify their art so they could go faster, and also to use abstractions instead of details (hence why half the panels in a manga are lines). For
Anime the problem is similar. They recycle scenes or set up a shot in which nothing happens to avoid animating anything.
Dragonball is the most known offender of recycling scenes and having episodes where there's about 30 seconds of animation, mostly just a character's mouth. All to save time and money.
Even higher end productions do not escpae this. Ghost in a Shell has a quite a few moments where you could see budget concerns shine through. Akira as such avoids this the most of all the
animes I've seen.
The problem is only compounded by the fact that most companies recruit in Shin-doji now. Shin-doji are conventions, fan conventions. So most of the artists and writers are fan artists and writers which explains the derivative nature of a lot of the stuff that is produced.
Story wise well... There's the sheer lack of any form of subtely. I remember seeing some
Anime in which there was a sphere that was a sentient Platonic Cave flying around. Really? It's as if the story writers skimmed over an introduction to whatever subject matter they wanted to include in a children's book. While it usually is imaginative in most cases it's very poorly focused and rarely coherent.
Everything is woven in so badly it's like some one tried to sew together a suit with a sledgehammer. The exposition scene in Ghost in a Shell comes to mind. Or the bloodline revelation in Evangelion also returns to memory. The lack of coherence is they explain the two aforementioned examples (which are self evident) as if they were talking to children and yet make no attempt to explain any of their internal logic of universal continuity for other things (Evangelion specifically, GiS not so much) which are far far more convoluted and downright silly.
The writers rarely grasp what they're doing. I find it shows, but in some cases someone can look deep even if they don't know what they're talking about by dropping the right words (buzz words) or mundane symbolism.
So few have a really good story, most of the eleged depth is just vague references that are open to wide interpretation which lets obessed otaku create their own depth. Kind of like astrology, or abstract art. Oh look symbolic imagery! We're deep now! No, no you are not.
Also I do not understand how fans of any
Anime with big robots running into each other with a terrible story can hate Micheal Bay's Transformers. And no Shia LeBoeuf does not count as a legit reason since most
Anime characters are so stereotypical and unlikeable as to be worse.
They're also regularly repetitive in nature (yes western stuff is bad to but no one seems to mind when
Anime does it, double standard).
Anime archtypes:
a) The Cloud Strife - I'm sad. I could beat every one but I'm sad. Oh no the bad guy made me cry and took my *insert relation here*. Whine. Overcome moodiness, beat bad guy, go back to brooding. Body of a 13 year old girl.
b ) The 8 year old psychopathic school girl
c) The innocent and helpless school girl
d) The older physically bigger more stable male character, who actually tries to do something but isn't up to the BBG, must wait for the Cloud Strife to stop crying.
e) The older dangerous/Spaced out woman - See Ninja Scrolls (the scene where she gets "controlled" is just retarded) or Yuffie.
f) The Vincent Valentine / (possibly) Compotent Male lead - See Ninja Scrolls.
g) The sage / pseudo-deep thinker of either sex and of any age.
There, play mix and match and you've got a good deal of most
animes and mangas today. Again, western stuff is bad to, still why no complaints for
2. The cultural gap
I was going to name this point either: "Weird Japanese Narratives" or "Poor respect".
It would be massively unfair to say that though since there is a culture gap I cannot for the life of me bridge when it comes to pop-Japan. My own failing really. For the second the lack of any respect when they set up re-imaginings is well on par with western developpers so I can't fault them there either.
In this case it's not so much the
anime/manga itself but the culture surrounding it. Otaku take it to extremes that would put most Trekkies to shame. One of my friends threw a fit when they changed the colour of Hermoines dress from blue to pink in the Goblet of Fire but found it awesome that Arthur was now a girl in Fate/Stay Night. Somehow one is worse than the other. Changing the colour of the dress is inconsequential since it had no importance in the story. Arthur's gender is crucial to the Arthurian cycle. Turning him into a woman and getting rid of Guinevere and Lancelot breaks the Drama. It breaks the character. I won't even get into what they did with other legendary figures.
Otaku don't care they run on double stantards. The massive amount of stuff
Anime writers have taken bad lisence with is equal to the American tendency to ruin cultural identity. Though Otaku rage only against things like the Dragonball Evolution movie (which I considered Karmic) while non-otaku go on indiscriminate nerdrage.
Then we can get into all the weird hentai and loli, but that's easy. More disturbing is the 2D love phenomenon which actually exists and is probably why you heard of Japanese Love pillows including the XXX ones made by private companies like "Furnace of Child Love" which is the actual English translation...
Seriously there are bloody limits. For every awesome cosplay there are tens of thousands of outright disturbing ones. I can understand it to a degree but not to the point it's taken. Yes I know western cons started this, but they not take it so far. It is not an afterschool activity, it should not encourage the
Animegao stuff. Any of us would laugh at the nutjobs who go out and get their ears surgically changed to look like elves of vulcans. I know this isn't surgery but it occurs far more often (every day!) and some how it's less insane?
That's it for now.
ReBoot is not an Anime. It was made in Canada in direct lineage to western animation in 3D.