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If a movie was made

#41 User is offline   Unchained 

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Posted 24 December 2012 - 01:46 AM

Seras Victorias, absolutely. As a matter of fact, she would be a rather good example of Laseen, truth be told. Casca, though, was definitely not up to par, by any means. She had her moments, to be sure, but those were inevitably countered by her rampantly emotional moments. Lieutenant Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist would be a decent example, secondary character though she is, as would Izumi. Biased as I may be toward anime, I truly do feel that some sort of animated venue would be the best for this series, should it ever come to the screen, if for no other reason than the fact that there would be a massively prohibitive cost associated with the CGI needed to do justice to the Warrens alone. But let us be honest. This series is most popular in America. Do we believe that the FCC would allow accurate renderings of the atrocities described in these books?

View Postbloodynibbler, on 21 January 2011 - 10:29 PM, said:

View Postamphibian, on 18 January 2011 - 07:16 AM, said:

The Major - spandex/nothing and family dead.

No idea who Casca is.

Ok, I actually agree with your point. It is somehow near impossible for the Japanese to have strong female characters in their stories (Hayao Miyazaki, aside). Ripley from the Alien movies probably freaked them the hell out.

There's nothing wrong with spandex. And Major Kusanagi really does kick ass.

I forget most things Berserk, so no comment there.

How about Sir Integra Hellsing, from Hellsing? No spandex, absolutely fully clothed most of the time, and she's an iron-cold bitch of the first order. Seras Victoria, despite looking like a bimbo, is more great characterization from that series.

Any female in Bleach.

Devilman Lady!

Okay, okay, it's hard to find awesome female anime characters that don't depend on oversized...assets. But I'd still love to see an animated Malazan series! It would be easier to do the special effects, setting, and non-human characters.

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#42 User is offline   Tony-t 

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Posted 29 January 2013 - 02:51 AM

Wish it was possible to even make a movie. Each book would have to be a trilogy

#43 User is offline   Tony-t 

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Posted 29 January 2013 - 02:52 AM

Wish it was possible to even make a movie. Each book would have to be a trilogy

#44 User is offline   Ulysses 

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Posted 23 March 2013 - 07:11 PM

I would almost the whole prologue but I would open the movie with whiskey jacks speech with Paran. I would probably also cut out the romantic scenes between tatersail and the Mage who gets killed.

Otherwise I would do the rest of the book as a series on starz network over two years if needed

#45 User is offline   The Writer 

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Posted 27 May 2013 - 04:20 PM

For what it's worth, I'm happy enough just having them be books. I mean, I tend to fan-cast most of what I read; not only is it just a geeky habit of mine but it helps me visualize the characters better. But I just don't see a way to film these. Each novel by itself is so long that huge swaths would have to be cut; I mean strip down GotM to just Darujhistan, etc. And there are ten novels, so the idea of them doing all of them is even less doable. Even if you were to take it to television, like Game of Thrones, you've got problems. First, the idea of AT LEAST ten seasons is just nuts. Then there's the fact that so few characters recur, and those that do might not appear in the next book, or have a large role in it, and all the time jumps. Then there's the expense. I doubt HBO would take it, since they've got Thrones already, so it would have to be Starz, Showtime, FX or AMC, and none of those have anywhere near the budget for such an epic series.

So, in conclusion, while it would be cool if done right (and let's face it, it probably wouldn't be), it's just not feasible.

#46 User is offline   Darthjamo 

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Posted 27 May 2013 - 09:35 PM

No doubt, it would be brutalized if made to a film. HBO did a good job with ASoIF, but it still needed to be dumbed down a lot.

#47 User is offline   Defiance 

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Posted 27 May 2013 - 10:38 PM

Beyond the insanely large cast that would be necessary, making these into a tv/film series is not monetarily feasible.

First of all, in order for the series to be any good, you would need killer special effects. There's ridiculous levels of magic, tons of gigantic armies, and all sorts of fantastical beasts that would need to be CGI.

Then you have the locations. I won't go too much into this since this topic is in the Gardens of the Moon subforum, but think of some of the leaps between books. That would turn off a lot of potential viewers.

Personally, I'm happy with it being a book series. I don't want to see anything else, because nothing could come close to doing it justice.
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#48 User is offline   allanon 

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Posted 28 May 2013 - 06:52 AM

But what about the CHAIN OF DOGS i would pay to see that not the whole series only chain of dogs i would make a great standalone story

#49 User is offline   Tehol the Only 

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Posted 28 May 2013 - 08:39 AM

Heh, i'm pretty sure that project's been dead for a few years now.
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#50 User is offline   Tattersail_ 

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Posted 28 May 2013 - 09:08 AM

I would love to see a movie, regardless of how poor a job they did. It would give the series a lot of press, more people buy the books and Steve gets rich. He deserves all the money in the world for this series. I cannot get enough of it. I am reading again for the umpteenth time and I am still in awe of all the story arcs and scope of the series. It is epic. I wish they did go all out, pay the actors, pay the director, pay for the CGI and have Steve and Ian there to discuss things and help it along. Just imagine how amazing it could be, dare to dream and maybe your wishes may come true. What we need is a billionaire fan, that just turns around and fucking makes this his project. Money is not an option, create the best film series ever. £500 million budget or something. Just go all out and make it happen.
Apt is the only one who reads this. Apt is nice.

#51 User is offline   allanon 

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Posted 28 May 2013 - 09:52 AM

Why not get SE and ICE to write the screenplays? after all they wrote GOTM as a movie script if they know something about scriptwriting they might contribute a lot to a potential MBOTF film BUT i think that we should kill this discussion a dream of MBOTF being film will always remain that a dream but there is no shame in dreaming but if the rights to this series get purchased for films i would literally crap my pants however a competent director must be at the helm.

#52 User is offline   ColtaineRattlesSlow 

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Posted 29 May 2013 - 04:13 PM

The one scene that I imagine so vividly from the books that would work to perfection on screen is - no spoilers - when Duiker looks out to the fields on the walls of Aren. You know what scene I'm talking about, people who have read that. To me, it would be worth adapting the entire series just for this scene.

#53 User is offline   allanon 

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Posted 30 May 2013 - 11:30 AM

View PostColtaineRattlesSlow, on 29 May 2013 - 04:13 PM, said:

The one scene that I imagine so vividly from the books that would work to perfection on screen is - no spoilers - when Duiker looks out to the fields on the walls of Aren. You know what scene I'm talking about, people who have read that. To me, it would be worth adapting the entire series just for this scene.

i got goosebumps when you mentioned that scene too bad never gonna happen.

#54 User is offline   Mera II 

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Posted 09 July 2018 - 04:43 PM

Oh guys don't give up now on the GoTM of being made into a TV series, and been difficult doesn't make it impossible .I read Game of Thrones several times since 10 years and I'm still expecting the last of the series before HBO put it on the screen. Game of Thrones ain't a movie script at first and never also easy to put those complex world of battles and places into motion, may be it is easy for now but have you ever ask for their challenges. They all got their ups and downs like Game of Thrones many battle scenes were ignore, many characters and places too, but it just seem too much and a lot more for GoTM to shape, ignore, change and also to add, but trust the movie makers its all for the betterness of the series. It is not necessarily the whole book unaltered should be put into onto the screen, no and not even for a series base on true stories or histories, it just has to be the TV version of the series out from the book version of the series. Besides i read Terry Goodskind Sword of Truth and there is a lot more difference of the two, the book and the TV series, but the fact that they differ never made it wield TV series and they all serve the same purpose to entertain or whatsoever. And the hobbit was just one book but it turn to be three movies of about 3 hours duration clearly a lot more was added and it worth everything and we love it too. We must know that whatever difficulties and problems we have detected means we are good book readers and also trust good film makers too .
I was having a problem on the vague issues about these Warren things and Great Raven Crone talking and also Hairlock puppet body and all these strange creatures, races and human species and battle scenes are going to make a such a series "if there would be" nothing but animation or roughly katoon like but i think we leave them to the movie makers and our technological world which is ever evolving and also a matter of time will tell.
I was trying to take your doubts and make a
conviction of them that, very difficult
doesn't make it impossible.

#55 User is offline   Zetubal 

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Posted 09 July 2018 - 05:22 PM

If it were meant to remain a single, self-contained movie with none of the sequels attached I'd cut Tattersail's character and plot. And Hairlock. And Bellurdan.
I'd also go all-out with special effects when Raest fights the Soletaken and Silanda. And after that, for budget reasons, I'd downgrade Rake's fight with the Galayn to a verbal debate about the nature of Light and Dark (spoilers for FoL) at the end of which Rake's superior intellect wins the day and literally makes the demon's head explode. For which I'd go with practical effects. Ah, and I like the idea of a happy fête at Simtal's place.

This post has been edited by Zetubal: 09 July 2018 - 05:28 PM


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