Solidsnape, on 16 December 2014 - 09:23 AM, said:
Tapper, on 16 December 2014 - 07:20 AM, said:
Solidsnape, on 15 December 2014 - 08:22 AM, said:
Elite:Dangerous is officially released tomorrow, and I was curious to see if there were any takers on this here forum.
I know it's been out a while on early access, but they seem to have done a fair bit of work over the last few months.
I'll be picking it up in the new year probably, I've got Dragon Age 3 to plough into first. But Frontier has to be in my top 5 of all time, so any kind of enhancement on that would be epic.
Anyone else?
Got it, played around with it a tiny bit but decided I
a) really need to buy a new PC or majorly upgrade the current one;

buy myself a good joystick, preferably with a throttle on the side.
Controlling the ship with mouse and keyboard can be done, but it never felt intuitive for me, also because of how key combinations are set up. WASD with rolling the ship fixed at QE makes for uncomfortable movement.
And you're happy with it?
How's that online only caveat working out? Noticeable?
I have a really slow broadband and I suppose that's my only gripe.
Didn't have problems with the online bit. Not a single disconnection, and game went without a hitch.
But: as a huge caveat: I played only a single beta, in a single ship, before core additions to the game were added (like for example mining). I would say I didn't even play long enough to get on top of the learning curve to the extent where I could judge whether or not the game is good entertainment or not. What I can say is that I wasn't frustrated by anything. I didn't comfortably master controlling a ship which you can move in one direction while looking/aiming in a completely different one. In the combat scenario's I tried, I got pasted as often as I won, but before I call it challenging, I have to take into account that I was a noob at flight control.
I certainly didn't go toe-to-toe in a dogfight with another player, so no comparison there either.
A quick browse through youtube gives you awesome videos that really showcases all the options this game has. Stealth-docking for example is awesome, but when I tried it, I got lasered to death every time. I wouldn't want to try that in a newly bought, expensive ship before I could do it with my eyes closed in the cheapest standard ship possible.
I guess enjoyment also depends on whether or not trading is your thing, as that still seems the one road to get to cash you need to upgrade/buy ships that suit the playstyle you want to adopt. Also, I think the game will require several hours of commitment in a row if you want to get things done. I do think it can't be played in 15 minute stretches like one could do with a TBS (which is how I am "forced" to spend most of my game time nowadays).
That aside, I guess that over time, the game will turn likely into EVE. Yes, playing privately without encountering other players is possible, and space will be super large. But there's just so much more that a player organisation can do, compared to an individual, especially with an entire economy to play with.
Everyone is entitled to his own wrong opinion. - Lizrad