Obdigore, on 18 February 2013 - 08:27 AM, said:
So first info on Destiny by Bungie
Looks like a FPS/MMO Hybrid with possible space combat (oh god give me battlefront 3 already!), and is console only and requires to be always online, with automatic and apparently instant matchmaking for pve missions. PVP has been confirmed and is only in for people who purposely select to play PvP.
I was surprised to find out this was basically a next generation MMO, given the fact that Destiny is being produced in collaboration with Activision. I thought Titan, Blizzards much anticipated next MMO, a game that is also rumored to be an FPS, was going to be Activision's next big Golden Goose. Destiny sounds like what we were expecting Titan to be like. So, either the rumors about Titan are way off, or Activision is creating its own competition. Which is either insane or brilliant depending upon how that works out. Imagine if Activision owned Battlefield and Call of Duty at the same time and made them compete for the money. That's basically what I am seeing here. Who ever loses, Activision becomes very, very rich.
Obdigore, on 18 February 2013 - 08:27 AM, said:
Hope there is more classes than 'Huntress, Titan, and Warlock' which read to me as DPS, Tank, and Magic/Heals, but I guess we will see what happens.
I don't actually mind this, in fact I would prefer it if there were no classes at all and your "class" was simply dependent on what kind of gear you were equipping, where you were placing your skill points and, this would be awesome, what "guilds" you dedicated yourself to. A la Skyrim, where if you chose to join the Mages guild, you could potentially become a great and powerful wizard cyborg.
I have to say though from all the stuff they've released and the jargon they are using I am bit worried about how pure and unique this is going to turn out. It sounds to me like they are just making a Fantasy MMO in the future. They haven't even bothered coming up with a proper term for what the Traveller is bestowing upon the player, they simply calling it magic. They talk about raids and warlocks and quests.
Maybe it's just me but some of the quotes from article makes me downright angry. Things like:
“We did a bunch of ambitious things on Halo deliberately to reach out to people,” Jones continued. “We made the game run without a mouse and keyboard, and now nobody plays [first-person shooters] the old way anymore because they don’t want to."
Fuuuuuck you! You self satisfied smug prick.
Over time, humans have regained their technological mojo and again taken to exploring the stars of our own galaxy: Mars, Venus, the Moon, etc.
Mars and Venus are planets. The moon is a god damn moon. A star is that big bright burning thing you see in the sky. We haven't been exploring the galaxy, we have been exploring the solar system. There's a very, I emphasize, VERY big difference between exploring our own little belly button of a solar system and exploring the Milkyway. This shit is so basic whem talking about Sci-fi, that it upsets me quite a bit that somebody would get it so wrong. Assuming that this reporter is taking this from the material provided in the press kit I am a bit worried now.
(Staten explained that every Guardian wields some of the Traveler’s power: “You can call it magic, I guess.”)
"lol i'm like throwing my level 10 fire ball at the alienz, you guyz".
I will summon the ghost of Arthur C. Clarke to smite you!
Within the game proper, Jones said they know that players “don’t want to work hard, they don’t want to read, and they don’t’ want to go to the Internet to figure out our bullshit.” In other words, they understand that what they’re making is escapist entertainment.
People don't want to read? People don't want to work hard? What kind of game are you making here? It sounds like the game will be dumbed down to the level that people who found Halo's story complex and deep and emotionally riviting will be able to, hopefully, keep up. It honestly sounds like they are intentionally going to make the game shallow and flat story telling wise. Something that, I might add, was probably Halo's biggest problem. The story was idiotic, anachronistic and made little sense.
That said? I am still super fucking pumped to play this. It's basically the game I have been waiting to play ever since I discovered World of Warcraft. A gigantic world, a solar system even, to explore and shoot people in. An FPS mixed with an open world. It's what I love about Borderlands and Farcry 3 only taken to a whole different level.
And I find the idea of a system that weaves character interaction together the way "Journey" did extremely interesting.
This post has been edited by Aptorius: 18 February 2013 - 04:51 PM