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Ye Big Videogames Thread

#1101 User is offline   Silencer 

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Posted 14 February 2013 - 10:13 AM

 Obdigore, on 14 February 2013 - 08:06 AM, said:

 Aptorius, on 14 February 2013 - 05:38 AM, said:

According to the rumors the PS4 will most likely also contain some kind of technology that locks one game to one console, or probably more logical, one user account. Thus eliminating the used games market. Good buy Gamestop, may you burn in hell.

Your internet rumors won't stand up in court in numerous European countries. Do you think Sony is just not going to sell PS4's in those countries, or do you think perhaps you shouldn't put stock in rumors?

In fairness, console/tech rumours can be remarkably accurate these days. While I don't take them as anything but rumours until they're proven, it is interesting to pay attention to them and see the final image take shape of what we expect vs what we get. And while the EU has in general taken a more sensible stance on DRM than the US and US-based companies, there is a fine line between software restrictions and hardware restrictions that function in the same way. It would be a battle, but there's no guarantee that the EU would come down on the side of the consumer again.

If - IF - either console has some form of DRM to do something even remotely like what said rumours are suggesting, I hope it dies a horrible, quick death in the sales department as consumer backlash. Like, zero sales. Because that sort of "control the product after we've sold it to you" crap is just wrong. ESPECIALLY when pirates can easily bypass almost all such methods, leaving only the genuine consumer out in the cold. :S

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 14 February 2013 - 12:03 PM

 Silencer, on 14 February 2013 - 10:13 AM, said:

 Obdigore, on 14 February 2013 - 08:06 AM, said:

 Aptorius, on 14 February 2013 - 05:38 AM, said:

According to the rumors the PS4 will most likely also contain some kind of technology that locks one game to one console, or probably more logical, one user account. Thus eliminating the used games market. Good buy Gamestop, may you burn in hell.

Your internet rumors won't stand up in court in numerous European countries. Do you think Sony is just not going to sell PS4's in those countries, or do you think perhaps you shouldn't put stock in rumors?

In fairness, console/tech rumours can be remarkably accurate these days. While I don't take them as anything but rumours until they're proven, it is interesting to pay attention to them and see the final image take shape of what we expect vs what we get. And while the EU has in general taken a more sensible stance on DRM than the US and US-based companies, there is a fine line between software restrictions and hardware restrictions that function in the same way. It would be a battle, but there's no guarantee that the EU would come down on the side of the consumer again.

If - IF - either console has some form of DRM to do something even remotely like what said rumours are suggesting, I hope it dies a horrible, quick death in the sales department as consumer backlash. Like, zero sales. Because that sort of "control the product after we've sold it to you" crap is just wrong. ESPECIALLY when pirates can easily bypass almost all such methods, leaving only the genuine consumer out in the cold. :S

It has been ruled a couple times in the EU that when you buy IP it is yours and you can resell it if you so choose. Unless these games are tied to your account and you are able to trade/sell games off your account, then they would be violating those rulings.

The biggest 'game-changing' rumor I'm expecting is the always-connected requirement from both consoles.
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Posted 14 February 2013 - 12:34 PM

Simple solution: in the EU, provide game trading/selling facilities for games tied to your account. In the US, do not provide this feature. XD

Doubt that would happen though. :)

'Course, I personally object to the requirement to be "always online" too. It's less of a sticking point for me with consoles than it is with PC gaming, but I'm still set against it. It's annoying enough that I can't game if the power is out, but being unable to game just because the internet is down is just stupid. And I've yet to see a good reason for it in any games, I doubt there will be one for consoles.

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 08:27 AM

So first info on Destiny by Bungie

Looks like a FPS/MMO Hybrid with possible space combat (oh god give me battlefront 3 already!), and is console only and requires to be always online, with automatic and apparently instant matchmaking for pve missions. PVP has been confirmed and is only in for people who purposely select to play PvP.

Hope there is more classes than 'Huntress, Titan, and Warlock' which read to me as DPS, Tank, and Magic/Heals, but I guess we will see what happens.
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Posted 18 February 2013 - 04:44 PM

 Obdigore, on 18 February 2013 - 08:27 AM, said:

So first info on Destiny by Bungie

Looks like a FPS/MMO Hybrid with possible space combat (oh god give me battlefront 3 already!), and is console only and requires to be always online, with automatic and apparently instant matchmaking for pve missions. PVP has been confirmed and is only in for people who purposely select to play PvP.

I was surprised to find out this was basically a next generation MMO, given the fact that Destiny is being produced in collaboration with Activision. I thought Titan, Blizzards much anticipated next MMO, a game that is also rumored to be an FPS, was going to be Activision's next big Golden Goose. Destiny sounds like what we were expecting Titan to be like. So, either the rumors about Titan are way off, or Activision is creating its own competition. Which is either insane or brilliant depending upon how that works out. Imagine if Activision owned Battlefield and Call of Duty at the same time and made them compete for the money. That's basically what I am seeing here. Who ever loses, Activision becomes very, very rich.

 Obdigore, on 18 February 2013 - 08:27 AM, said:

Hope there is more classes than 'Huntress, Titan, and Warlock' which read to me as DPS, Tank, and Magic/Heals, but I guess we will see what happens.

I don't actually mind this, in fact I would prefer it if there were no classes at all and your "class" was simply dependent on what kind of gear you were equipping, where you were placing your skill points and, this would be awesome, what "guilds" you dedicated yourself to. A la Skyrim, where if you chose to join the Mages guild, you could potentially become a great and powerful wizard cyborg.

I have to say though from all the stuff they've released and the jargon they are using I am bit worried about how pure and unique this is going to turn out. It sounds to me like they are just making a Fantasy MMO in the future. They haven't even bothered coming up with a proper term for what the Traveller is bestowing upon the player, they simply calling it magic. They talk about raids and warlocks and quests.

Maybe it's just me but some of the quotes from article makes me downright angry. Things like:


“We did a bunch of ambitious things on Halo deliberately to reach out to people,” Jones continued. “We made the game run without a mouse and keyboard, and now nobody plays [first-person shooters] the old way anymore because they don’t want to."

Fuuuuuck you! You self satisfied smug prick.


Over time, humans have regained their technological mojo and again taken to exploring the stars of our own galaxy: Mars, Venus, the Moon, etc.

Mars and Venus are planets. The moon is a god damn moon. A star is that big bright burning thing you see in the sky. We haven't been exploring the galaxy, we have been exploring the solar system. There's a very, I emphasize, VERY big difference between exploring our own little belly button of a solar system and exploring the Milkyway. This shit is so basic whem talking about Sci-fi, that it upsets me quite a bit that somebody would get it so wrong. Assuming that this reporter is taking this from the material provided in the press kit I am a bit worried now.


(Staten explained that every Guardian wields some of the Traveler’s power: “You can call it magic, I guess.”)

"lol i'm like throwing my level 10 fire ball at the alienz, you guyz".


I will summon the ghost of Arthur C. Clarke to smite you!


Within the game proper, Jones said they know that players “don’t want to work hard, they don’t want to read, and they don’t’ want to go to the Internet to figure out our bullshit.” In other words, they understand that what they’re making is escapist entertainment.

People don't want to read? People don't want to work hard? What kind of game are you making here? It sounds like the game will be dumbed down to the level that people who found Halo's story complex and deep and emotionally riviting will be able to, hopefully, keep up. It honestly sounds like they are intentionally going to make the game shallow and flat story telling wise. Something that, I might add, was probably Halo's biggest problem. The story was idiotic, anachronistic and made little sense.

That said? I am still super fucking pumped to play this. It's basically the game I have been waiting to play ever since I discovered World of Warcraft. A gigantic world, a solar system even, to explore and shoot people in. An FPS mixed with an open world. It's what I love about Borderlands and Farcry 3 only taken to a whole different level.

And I find the idea of a system that weaves character interaction together the way "Journey" did extremely interesting.

This post has been edited by Aptorius: 18 February 2013 - 04:51 PM


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 04:59 PM

This is going to be an interesting week in videogames.

First the much anticipated reveal of Destiny. Then on the 20th Sony's big press conference is going down where they, with 99% certainty, will be unveiling the Playstation 4 or dare I hope? The Playstation 4K? I hope they drop some big names and give us some teasers for the launch day games we can expect.

And then there's Crysis 3 and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

Crysis 3 I am a bit meh about. It sounds like more of the same we got in Crysis 2. Crysis 2 was a good shooter but it's the complete opposite of what we got in Crysis 1.

Metal Gear Rising on the other hand. Whoooooo! More Metal Gear! CHOO CHOO HERE COMES THE CRAZY STORY TRAIN! I love this stuff so much. And the trailers for the game looks fantastic, if not a bit disturbing. Jack/Raiden is a bit too gleeful as he's slapchopping the shit out of everyone and everything.

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Posted 18 February 2013 - 05:43 PM

Destiny's not coming to PCs. Titan's not coming to consoles

Activision develops 2 MMO FPS to target two markets to make all the moneyz

Can't say I care though: it's an MMO. It's console only. It requires always online. And they talk of taking inspiration from facebook "social" games to drop human players into your game whether you like it or not.

THis is not the future of gaming i'm looking for.
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View PostJump Around, on 23 October 2011 - 11:04 AM, said:

And I want to state that Ment has out-weaseled me by far in this game.

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Posted 18 February 2013 - 06:29 PM

MMO's are by definition always online. It's in the description. The are also supposed to be massively multiplayer. You're supposed to team up with people. No reason to start complaining about that now.

It's all in the execution really. The MMORPG is dying. Or rather, it'll probably always have an audience, but for the broader public it's lost a lot of its appeal. FPS games on the other hand are more popular than ever. Makes sense that somebody would come around and try and catch lightning in a bottle with a high profile MMO FPS. It's Bungie. Except for Infinity Ward, nobody else in the industry has the same reputation and legacy when it comes to creating popular FPS multiplayer experiences. Their name alone is enough to sell millions of copies on day one.

This post has been edited by Aptorius: 18 February 2013 - 06:30 PM


#1109 User is offline   Defiance 

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Posted 18 February 2013 - 11:00 PM

I dunno about the idea that MMOs are dying. Sure, WoW, which makes up the majority of the market, isn't as popular as it was 4 years ago, but the game is still going strong, and games like Rift and Guild Wars 2 still have fairly active player bases. I don't think we've seen the death of the MMO so much as we've seen a massive influx of console gamers, specifically FPS players.

I'm looking forward to Destiny. The concept art so far has been pretty sweet, and I like the sound of what Bungie is trying to do with it. That said, it's easy to hype games up; I'll have to wait for some extensive in-game footage to determine if it's really going to be worth the purchase.
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#1110 User is offline   Khellendros 

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Posted 19 February 2013 - 12:56 AM

 Aptorius, on 18 February 2013 - 06:29 PM, said:

MMO's are by definition always online. It's in the description. The are also supposed to be massively multiplayer. You're supposed to team up with people. No reason to start complaining about that now.

It's all in the execution really. The MMORPG is dying. Or rather, it'll probably always have an audience, but for the broader public it's lost a lot of its appeal. FPS games on the other hand are more popular than ever. Makes sense that somebody would come around and try and catch lightning in a bottle with a high profile MMO FPS. It's Bungie. Except for Infinity Ward, nobody else in the industry has the same reputation and legacy when it comes to creating popular FPS multiplayer experiences. Their name alone is enough to sell millions of copies on day one.

But didn't you hear? Destiny is not an MMO, it's a "shared world shooter" B). Honestly, they were so adamant about it not being an MMO that all I could think was, 'yeah, it's an MMO.' Too soon to tell about this game, especially as they revealed nothing about the actual gameplay. Get ready for over a year of hype (they've confirmed it wom't be out until 2014). I like the idea for the background story, very intriguing, but I'm going to need to see some of the, you know, actual game and stuff.

I'm calling it now though. The Traveller is actually something sinister - probably what caused the human near-extinction in the first place :p
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Posted 19 February 2013 - 03:02 AM

 Aptorius, on 18 February 2013 - 06:29 PM, said:

MMO's are by definition always online. It's in the description. The are also supposed to be massively multiplayer. You're supposed to team up with people. No reason to start complaining about that now.

It's all in the execution really. The MMORPG is dying. Or rather, it'll probably always have an audience, but for the broader public it's lost a lot of its appeal. FPS games on the other hand are more popular than ever. Makes sense that somebody would come around and try and catch lightning in a bottle with a high profile MMO FPS. It's Bungie. Except for Infinity Ward, nobody else in the industry has the same reputation and legacy when it comes to creating popular FPS multiplayer experiences. Their name alone is enough to sell millions of copies on day one.

I also disagree that the MMO is dying. It's changing, and finally getting away from lots of the things that make things like WoW shit. But I don't feel one of those things is it being third person. Don't get me wrong, I like first person too, but I like them for different reasons. When you're trying to shoot someone first person works great. But when you are trying to do melee combat first person often lacks the spatial awareness and peripheral vision so integral to it.
Either way, like I said, I don't see the MMO dying, but I do see a new generation of MMOs. And one of the major things this new generation will bring is high profile variety. The third person ones going more action combat, there are a few third and first person shooters in the works, space combat ones, so on and so forth.
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Posted 19 February 2013 - 04:25 AM


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 04:27 AM

 Khellendros, on 19 February 2013 - 12:56 AM, said:

But didn't you hear? Destiny is not an MMO, it's a "shared world shooter" B). Honestly, they were so adamant about it not being an MMO that all I could think was, 'yeah, it's an MMO.' Too soon to tell about this game, especially as they revealed nothing about the actual gameplay. Get ready for over a year of hype (they've confirmed it wom't be out until 2014). I like the idea for the background story, very intriguing, but I'm going to need to see some of the, you know, actual game and stuff.

I'm calling it now though. The Traveller is actually something sinister - probably what caused the human near-extinction in the first place :p

I disagree, they are pretty different. It seems more like Spartan Ops from Halo4 with dynamic in/out with other people than an actual MMO. At least from the descriptions I read. Almost like GW1 fully instanced world except that the game can add/remove players to your party if someone else is at the same point as you.

And yes, I already floated the suggested that The Traveller is what was destroying the Humans, they somehow sapped its strength and spread it out between the guardians who are 'tainted' but more powerful, and these other races are coming to try to destroy the weakened Traveller.
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Posted 19 February 2013 - 07:39 AM

 Defiance, on 18 February 2013 - 11:00 PM, said:

I dunno about the idea that MMOs are dying. Sure, WoW, which makes up the majority of the market, isn't as popular as it was 4 years ago, but the game is still going strong, and games like Rift and Guild Wars 2 still have fairly active player bases. I don't think we've seen the death of the MMO so much as we've seen a massive influx of console gamers, specifically FPS players.

 Lucifer, on 19 February 2013 - 03:02 AM, said:

I also disagree that the MMO is dying. It's changing, and finally getting away from lots of the things that make things like WoW shit.

I didn't say that the MMO as a genre/business was dying. I said the MMO-RPG, emphasis on the RPG bit was dying. Which admittedly is still a broad term when I was actually referring to games like WoW, Rift, SWTOR, AOR, Star Trek Online, The Secret World, etc. WOW is of course the exception, a lumbering dinosaur that refuses to die, but the others are not exactly a massive success. Rift I hear is very stable but the others have been forced to either close down or switch to free-to-play to stay a float. Take the massive shrug of indifference the video game community has offered to the news of a Elder Scrolls MMO. The genre is played out.

Personally what really bothers me is the lack of interaction you feel in the actual combat/gameplay. You are simply ordering your toon to do as you command and he will stand there swinging/shooting/channeling for a bit then you go over to the next mob/node/quest and do it all over again. Click, click, click. I realize that this is actually a matter of taste but I think the old mode of gameplay lacks immersion.

The appeal of a First Person MMO is that you will be looking out of the eyes of the character. Your moves will be the characters moves. You will be in the middle of it all. It's the secret to Minecrafts success. You are there, all alone, it a gigantic world free for you to explore. That's what I am looking forward to about Destiny, that's what I really wanted when I played WOW for the first time back in... 2004? I want to go exploring in space, experience alien cultures and kill them.

 Khellendros, on 19 February 2013 - 12:56 AM, said:

But didn't you hear? Destiny is not an MMO, it's a "shared world shooter" B). Honestly, they were so adamant about it not being an MMO that all I could think was, 'yeah, it's an MMO.' Too soon to tell about this game, especially as they revealed nothing about the actual gameplay. Get ready for over a year of hype (they've confirmed it wom't be out until 2014). I like the idea for the background story, very intriguing, but I'm going to need to see some of the, you know, actual game and stuff.

I'm calling it now though. The Traveller is actually something sinister - probably what caused the human near-extinction in the first place :p

I would be so happy if the Traveller opened and Galactus stepped out and went OM NOM NOM.

I hope the Traveller isn't evil. I find the notion that nobody remember/knows what happened to Man kinds first civilization a bit weird but hopefully there's some logic behind that. I prefer my Science Fiction aliens to be alien. Meaning, their methods and motivations shouldn'y necessarily be easily understandable or even logical. I'd like the Traveller to just be a mystical, benevolent space orb thing, infinitely more powerful than anything elese in the solar system that just decided on a whim to go protect this endangered species on some random planet.

This post has been edited by Aptorius: 19 February 2013 - 07:42 AM


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Posted 20 February 2013 - 02:30 AM seems Metal Gear Rising: Ridiculous Sub-Title good, Crysis 3 not-so-good judging by the first batch of reviews.
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Posted 24 February 2013 - 10:16 PM

I haven't dabbled with Crysis since the first game, so no idea in that regard. I heard the 2nd one was nowhere near the quality of the first (not sure if that's true), and that the 3rd game is more in line with the 2nd than the 1st.

As for Metal Gear Rising: Revengenace, it's a very fun game. There's a handful of weapons as well as an upgrade system, so it lends itself to replays. I thought that Raiden's personal story was pretty good - it's one of the few games that actually examines just what you're doing when you go on these several dozen people murder sprees - but the overall political plot was nothing special. Lots of codecs for people who love listening to those.

The last boss is probably the cheesiest boss I've ever seen in a video game, but somehow Platinum Games made it work. Let's just say it's hilariously awesome despite how absurdly over-the-top it is.

I only have two real complaints about the game:

1) The camera. It becomes a real issue in confined spaces, particularly when you're up against a wall (it'll jerk around rather than staying behind you). Hopefully Platinum fixes this with a patch at some point.

2) The robot dog you get as a companion. Some of the interviews I read/watched seemed to heavily imply that you'd get to fight with him...which never happens. He just "scouts ahead" and provides you with Codec updates. Very disappointing. I didn't expect to be fighting side-by-side with him every level, but it sucks that it never happened at all.
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Posted 25 February 2013 - 02:01 AM

I quite liked the story and mechanics of the second Crysis. I consider it a better game than the first, but it had a fairly limited way in which the best combat system to apply had you doing hit and run again and again to the same safety spots.

It also doesn't hurt that one of my favorite authors was involved in the writing of the game.
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Posted 25 February 2013 - 09:43 AM

Quite a few reviews highlighted that Crysis 3's bow and arrow were so overpowered it was actually I had to laugh when I saw a TV advert for the game here in the UK, which just seemed to deliberately play up to this by having the character strut around blowing up everything in sight with his bow and arrow, whilst not even bothering to look in the same direction he was shooting :p
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Posted 25 February 2013 - 06:36 PM

Know what to do when something is gamebreaking? You don't use it.

I know, I know. Not the ideal solution, but it worked for me.
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Posted 26 February 2013 - 08:44 PM


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