"West of Theft, the Tithe Strait opens out into
the Wastes. A vast stretch of ocean through which naught but
the adventurous and the foolhardy dared brave the treacherous,
dubious sea-lanes as far as the red road of Laughter's End,
and from there onwards to the islands of the Seguleh and the
southern coast of Genabackis..."
Am I right in thinking that Theft is on the north coast of Korelri?
If that is the case, then according to the (very well put together) map in the gallery if you go West from Theft you'll either hit Drift Avali or the southern coasts of Quon?
And if I'm being particularly stupid (by getting my east and west the wrong way round) Seguleh and Genabackis are still many leagues north and east of Theft.
Just been revising for an exam so my heads a bit screwed but I'm pretty sure somethings not quite right