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So they’re telling me I need to talk about what I talked about in all these pages which had my bestest cover ever with green crayon and blue crayon because they’re the only ones Glora Feeb hasn’t eaten yet and bits of bark and moss and a dragonfly water beetle which is what they are before they crawl out and unwrap their wings, but it’s only the shell because the dragonflies climb out through a hole in the beetle’s back and then they dry up, which is what I’m going to do when I dry up too, climb out through the hole, I mean. And that’s what was on the cover using LePage’s glue, the white stuff that tastes like toothpaste without the mint or chili pepper if it’s my sister’s toothpaste when she’s not looking because she’s too busy staring at her new phone all the time, probably because it doesn’t work, it’s got no cord! But that cover’s gone I don’t know where maybe to the Smithsonian and I’d tied strings through the holes to keep all those pages in order, especially since I forgot to number them, only it’s not real string it’s five lb test monofilament fishing line that says 8 lb on the box but it’s old and Grandma Matchie says fishing line that’s old doesn’t weigh as much as when it’s new, not that I can tell the difference can you? Besides it’s not like pages weigh a lot or fight back much. Anyway the pages I’m supposed to talk about got numbers now because grown-ups are obsessed with putting things in order but I’m not good at taking orders which is where all the trouble started so I’ll stop now. the end.
I haven't read this yet, but I have it here so it's near the top of my to-do list. I recall brood saying it was 'weird' but that's all I know about it, apart from that fact that it seems to be written at least partly from the perspective of someone with no respect whatsoever for conventional grammar

The Introduction by Graham Joyce is tantalizing, sounds like a very interesting book and it's available cheaply from PS Publishing here and even more cheaply here
Why don't we organize a book club of sorts for this? Any takers?