A Demon Llama!, on 03 August 2011 - 03:01 AM, said:
Some interesting photos you guys have here (that one with the bridge in Sydney looks good) I have a question regarding cameras. I have been planing to buy an SLR camera recently but have no idea what to look for. I really can't afford anything expensive, and probably looking around $300 - 500$ range. Hopefully theres some decent ones in that price range. Any input from people that actually know cameras would be great.
Is the Canon EOS Rebel XS any good? Its on sale at futureshop and comes with a bag o.O
What you need to consider when buying a Digital SLR is that you are always going to be wondering if you should have bought the newer model for all the great new features. The rate of change is frightening to be honest. However, what you will find is that while you could upgrade the body of the camera every 6 months, if you invest in good quality lenses, you will have them for many years (I have 2 lenses which are over 10 years old and still in great condition, while the cameras have changed several times).
I'll say up front that I am a fan of canon's camera's but that's simply down to the fact that it was the system i bought into years ago, and now I'm heavily invested. A few years ago, Canon stole a march on everyone else in the DSLR market with the quality of the video as well as the stills. Nikon has responded recently, and can probably boast superior capability in low light conditions (and is catching up on the video too).
While other manufacturers have produced decent cameras as well, I would stick to either CANON or NIKON for the extensive selection of lenses and accessories. You can't really go wrong in terms of image quality from either Canon or Nikon in the last 5 years, so anything you buy will be a great start for stills photography.
Nikon has the additional advantage in that there is a huge market of older 2nd hand lenses which are compatible with their newer cameras no matter where in the world you are.
If you don't feel the need for having HD video in your camera, then look around at either the CANON or NIKON camera's from a few years ago, and see if you can get an older body with a higher quality lens on it. And maybe a local camera store of yours will have a second hand camera to look at instead.
Sorry for the waffley answer, but it's very hard to know what to recommend without knowing what you'll be using the camera for. No matter what, the REBEL XS will be a fine starting point, but you may be able to get better value by going the 2nd hand route.