you are given action points every hour to run Dungeons, PVP, PVE(arena), and other events.. you can buy, craft and find charms (cards) you can use to create gear sets (decks).. every +1 to stat is +1 towards your progress to the next level (+ to stats via jobs, and mastering skills).. stats determine what charms you can use as you level.. Spirit is the amount of 'cards' in your 'deck'.. level 20 and beyond you can hone your character towards various classes that specialize in different strategies..
can also join guilds (attack other guilds, build structures and seals), adopt a pet to race and fight(either found in dungeons or bought in stores), gather materials (discover secret areas/events)..
-aside from a little avatar pic you can make for your character, it is text based..
-tis free! can donate for credit towards nice little bonuses but not necessary..
-don't forget estiah wiki for help..
This post has been edited by Old Magic: 03 September 2009 - 07:22 PM