Darkwatch, on 13 October 2009 - 01:54 AM, said:
Also I have GURPS and I'd like to have the procedure of the creation of Templates explained.
I was pointed this way by a post on RPG.net. You might have greater success there or on
the GURPS forums.
That said, I'm a fairly proficient GURPS-head, so I'll try to answer your questions.
Templates are basically pre-packaged sets of attributes, skills, advantages, disadvantages, etc, that model a particular race, occupation, body type, etc. In a given setting they standardize races (so one Elf isn't 6'8", nordic, and superhuman, while another Elf is 5' 0", a brown-skinned forest dweller, and only slightly more dextrous than an average human) and provide quick-start packages for players to select so that they don't have to worry that they forgot to pick up the Traps skill for their D&D-style rogue. They just pick the template and BAM! they have everything they need to play.
Racial templates usually include stuff that
every member of that race is guaranteed to have. So while many dwarves are good smiths, you don't give them all a point in the Smith skill. They might have a racial aptitude (called Talents) towards crafting and creating stuff that truly gifted artisans can buy up to higher levels, but the orphaned dwarf raised by riverboat piloting gypsies should only have a Smith skill if it makes sense for his character concept.
Occupational templates are generally a little more loosey-goosey. They typically give a set amount of points and a list of traits to spend those points on. So a Warrior template might tell you to pick Spear, or Broadsword, or Two-Handed Mace, etc. This ensures that my strong silent warrior with a gigantic maul isn't the same as your dextrous compulsive gambler of a warrior who prefers fencing weapons.
There are also other types of templates, like one for if I am made out of fire, or a incorporeal spirit. These are generally for the ease of convenience and let the GM just grab a collection of traits for the fire elemental he wants to spring on the PCs, There are frequently lots of exceptions of these (if I decide this particular fire elemental is actually solid, or won't set things on fire merely by being too close to them, etc.)
Hope that helped. If you have any particular questions, feel free to ask either here or on the GURPS forums. We're a friendly bunch.