Post Karsa or Pre Karsa?
Posted 27 April 2014 - 08:40 AM
I hope the Seguleh and the new First return in some form - SE did a far better job with them than ICE. I also expect Malazans will be a big part, with Emperor Rel re-trying to conquer the continent. Not to mention the previous Malazan bosses, ST and Cot, others like Caladan Brood, Kruppe, Vorcan, etc. And whatever follows Itkovian's story. And Ganoes Paran, tenant of the Daru Azath. Should be interesting.
Posted 02 September 2014 - 05:07 PM
Hapefully he will go on an all out rampage and the seguleh 1st will have to enter the battle. Then we can see a real fight.
Its just a mystery how karsa would be affected by all those ascendents. Magery seems to have no affect on him now. So i dont know what sort of power the higher ups would have on him if they wanted to enter the fray.
Its just a mystery how karsa would be affected by all those ascendents. Magery seems to have no affect on him now. So i dont know what sort of power the higher ups would have on him if they wanted to enter the fray.
This post has been edited by theocean: 02 September 2014 - 05:10 PM
Posted 24 November 2014 - 10:53 AM
I kind of hope for Post Karsa.
Pat is ill, so Karsa takes over. The village of Greendale is never the same again.
In seriousness... I want to see if he makes good on his promise to the children.
Pat is ill, so Karsa takes over. The village of Greendale is never the same again.
In seriousness... I want to see if he makes good on his promise to the children.
Debut novel 'Incarnate' now available on Kindle
Posted 07 January 2015 - 10:22 AM
I can see Karsa leading his Teblor on an all conquering tide much like Ghengis Khan did with the Mongols. I don't think Karsa is the only one who will be resistant to magic and able to become their own warren. Given that the Tarthenal of Lether have taken him as their god he is going to be very very hard to stop.
Posted 29 February 2016 - 03:57 AM
Hmm. If other descendants of the Toblakai appear---the Barghast seem likely to at least play a role---I'd love a deeper dive into Moranth culture. Does Karsa ever mention his attitude towards either? Karsa and the Moranth could be interesting....
And the Barghast may rediscover some intriguing and relevant history with the Fork'rul Assail---"The Forkrul Assail spoke of the White Face Barghast with deep hatred, referring to them as humans who mocked the Assail appearance with white paint and slayed their kind using armor and weapons suited only for fighting the Assail, such as the Gilk turtle armor" (Wikia). Wonder if this has any connection to Moranth armor.
Karsa's anti-civilization outlook seems similar to the K'Chain Che'Malle destriant's attitude---an alliance seems possible. Perhaps Karsa will see the (presumed) orderliness of the Moranth as the epitome of civilization's corruption of Toblakai blood.
And the Barghast may rediscover some intriguing and relevant history with the Fork'rul Assail---"The Forkrul Assail spoke of the White Face Barghast with deep hatred, referring to them as humans who mocked the Assail appearance with white paint and slayed their kind using armor and weapons suited only for fighting the Assail, such as the Gilk turtle armor" (Wikia). Wonder if this has any connection to Moranth armor.
Karsa's anti-civilization outlook seems similar to the K'Chain Che'Malle destriant's attitude---an alliance seems possible. Perhaps Karsa will see the (presumed) orderliness of the Moranth as the epitome of civilization's corruption of Toblakai blood.
Posted 11 October 2016 - 05:39 PM
I'm counting on Karsa to be the one to FINALLY stick it to the Errant!

What is not forbidden is mandatory.
Posted 03 October 2018 - 10:12 PM
Posted 09 October 2018 - 08:17 PM
I wonder what role will have Samar Dev in this trilogy, if she has one at all.
When the arrow is on the bow, it has to go
Posted 12 January 2019 - 09:09 PM