Aptorian, on Mar 26 2009, 10:02 AM, said:
I think you and I are destined to do this for ever, FIGHTING TO THE DEATH!!

You know you sort of display the complete opposite charactaristics of a Malazan fan. We love Erikson because the books are intelligent and taxing on the reader because he forces you to think, take a stand and put the pieces together.
Goodkind on the other hand has, admittedly, good ideas, but he fucks up any pretense of writting a good story, he just spoon feeds the plot along with his ridiculous philosophical egomania down the readers throat and hopes we don't discover that he's just making everything up as he goes along.
The first book was good, the second one was flawed and generic but had cool ideas (I AM THE BRINGER OF DEATH!!! cool story bro), the third was stupid, the fourth was so fucking idiotic that I just became angry trying to finish that ridiculous story.
Actually let me explain where the whole thing cumbles in book 4. Dicky Rhal has now become Lord Commander of more or less all the New World. That means you have responsibilities Dicky, you have a campaign to prepare for against the Emperor and there's probably a million other issues you need to handle. But nooooo, you have decided that the only course is to decypher the ancient mystic texts yourself to save the people from the plague, and spend weeks and months doing it. (FUCK YOU GOODKIND) Never mind the fact that you're in control of a world bigger than Europe and there should be a thousand scholars out there who could have solved the case in a week instead of you just letting half the populace dying because you need to stroke your ego. You're the Lord Commander. You're not supposed to stay in the plague infested capital, Dicky(FUCK YOU GOODKIND) And then there's Zed, super wizard extraordinaire, so great that he could easily have solved all the problems in the 4 books written thus far just by snezing, but noooo, Goodkind keeps inventing ways to distract or otherwise keep Zed out of the game (FUCK YOU GOODKIND) Then you have the ridiculous plot with the psycopath brother, lets call him Cunty Rahl, who likes to rape and kill hookers (WHY DO ALL WOMEN NOT KALAHN NEED TO BE RAPED GOODKIND!!?) but is also a kind and knowledgable healer who decided he would be a better emperor than Dicky Rahl(FUCK YOU GOODKIND) Then you have that stupid fucking prophecy about Dicky and Wonderwoman betraying each other. By now we've had four books with prophecies who all turned out to be right but in ways that is a surprise. So when you switch the tents and Wonderwoman fucks Cunty Rahl instead of Dicky Rahl, WHY THE HELL DO YOU GET SO UPSET!!! IT IS THE PROPHECY!!! (FUCK YOU GOODKIND) and it goes on and on and on...
And then, book 5, attack of the evil chickens! WHHHHYHYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! (FUCK YOU GOODKIND)
WARNING: The above may be a rant...