Malazan Empire: Two magical principles.......? - Malazan Empire

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Two magical principles.......?

#1 Guest_Bottle_*

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Posted 29 August 2003 - 07:01 PM

Personally, I hope that SE addresses one gaping issue regarding the way the Warren works.

In GoTM, we were introduced to the world of sorcery where Tattersail reminisced about how she first used sorcery. She said that one uses the warren that first comes to one. When the warren opens/parts/gapes into this reality, one uses the warren to conjure sorcery, cast spells etc.. In effect, one manipulate the thing that leaks through the warren into sorcery. In MOI and even DHG, we see that warren magic is in effect using what lies within the warren to draw magic. Therefore, the Tiste Andii uses what is in their Kurald Galain warren and manipulate it towards magic while Kulp uses what lies within his Meanas warren to cast illusions or burn away insects.

However, we now come to a gaping problem in this logic. We also know that various people can travel through multiple warrens without any ability to use the warren for magic!! ( use the warren for anything other than as transport ) The Di'vers swarming from one warren to the next in DHG is an example of this, or Pearl jumping into Kurald Thyrllann with his only magic being that of his own warren. Even for that matter Whiskeyjack riding in Kurald Galain!! Kulp still had to call upon Meanas in Kurald Emurlahn and well, our friendly T'lan Imass still used their own warped form of Tellann in KE. You would expect that once you are in that warren you would at least have some ability to manipulate magic. This does not however seem to be the case.

Which leaves us with a very disturbing exactly do warren magic operate? The assumption that warren magic is dependent on the "stuff" or "reality" within the warren cannot be right as virtually no one can manipulate the magic of a foreign warren even if they got themselves in there!! It cannot be that the "parting" of the warren is what makes magic as you cannot effectively part Kurald Galain within Kurald Galain yet the Tiste Andii were still using magic!!

And that also leaves us with a more perplexing question. Kurald Emurlahn despite being shattered still have magic the Tiste Edur draws and taps on. The Soletaken ritual involved using a broken warren.

This both indicates that Warrens can only exist if they still possess some magic....which leads to the question of how the heck the Imperial Warren, though still in existance lacks anyone using its magical power!!

Just questions that have been bugging me.

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