I have now added a Chapter Summaries section to the Website, which can be viewed: http://www.malazanem...r_summaries.php
All admins and Mods have the ability to add to that section.
Maybe the mods/admins who are working on this project would like to work out a process so those members in the malazan team who don't have mod access can get their chapter summaries put on the main site.
A possible solution can be that Malazan Team members post the chapter summaries they have done on this forum (which also creates a backup copy that way), and then a mod or admin adds it to the main site. I believe it would be a good idea to give credit to the member who wrote a particular chapter (e.g. writing before or after the chapter 'Contributed by

Note: The layout, titles etc on the Chapter Summaries page can be changed (e.g. rather than having Chapter One, have Book One - Chapter One, or Darujhistan - Chapter One etc). Please feel free to change the naming convention or layout as you wish. HTML code can also be added if required (e.g. want to add a image or such).