We seem to have many mods with many ideas, how about we organize something in a thread?
Let's sticky this thread, and update the original post so we know where we are.
Let's post by writing the game number, the mod, a short description (normal-screwed up, etc) and the GMT of the mod to help find a co-mod.
Running games/open signups:
Finished games, ready to be run straightaway:
JPK - Rise of the Dread Sorceror - TMDI 7-8
JPK, on 12 April 2017 - 02:44 AM, said:
Planned/expected games (announced and in development):
Lady Bliss (Blend as co-mod) - Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 2
Gnaw- Rehab game- fun and offensive
Macros - Sharpe (pencilled in for 2017)
Blend/ Timelords 3
Long-ago announced games in unknown status:
Zombies 2 <> JLV & partner <> TMDI ? <> ? players
Mafia X: Blackjack <> drinksinbars <> TMDI ?? <> poker theme/ poker as a game element
Mafia X: name unknown <> drinksinbars & Morgoth <> TMDI <> poker powered
Mafia X: King Arthur <> Tapper <> TMDI: high <> 4 way merc game
Mafia X: Dresden files (not like Obdi's at all) <> Silencer <> TMDI high
Mafia X: Vampires v Werewolves v Zombies <> Morgoth <> TMDI 8 <> 3 way merc game.
Announced in-design games that have been lost to the Nascent:
Originally intended to get priority, but most of these mods left the game
- Tapper.
Mafia X: Starcraft morgoth45(non-EST co-mod needed) 3-way merc with a cult TMDI 8+ 15+ players
Mafia X: Mentalist's "choose your objective" merc game
Mafia X.5: Unspecific mini <> Sixty <> low tmdi
Mafia X: My Little Pony/Carebears Tapper (GMT+2) and Vengeance (GMT-5), TMDI-?
Mafia X: J_slr (GMT +2:00) /TMDI 8 (Warhammer 40k)
Mafia X: Lord of the Rings themed game <> Great Lord D (GMT), looking for American and Aus/NZ co-mods
Mafia X: Star trek Dominion Wars GK (GMT), needs a co-mod. 6 factions, needs 20-25 people.
Mafia X: Bubba (GMT-5), town vs. scum vs. mercs vs. indie players. Malazan setting TMDI 8-10
Mafia X: ALTernate Reality: Bent (GMT-6), TMDI 9, involves alt-guessing.
Mafia X: Knucklehead/morg45/talfagoron - Game of Thrones
Mafia X: D'rek - Espers II
Brujah - Vampire Masquerade
Kurt Montandon - Vorkosigan / TMDI 8-9
Khellendros & Gnaw - High TMDI game
Gnaw - Day of the Doctor
Blend - Agents of SHIELD
Azathmaster - Way of Kings 2
Legacy of Kain: re-imagining: / Mentalist/ TMDI 6-9 / factions v Tyrant Steve v predator-y Big Ben
Warhammer 40k :Da izland of Mad Dok Braindigga <> Mentalist <> TMDI 8 <> kind of like the asylum game
Gust Gubb/ Misfits/ TMDI?
Twisted Mindfuck of Doom Index (Rating System):
TMDI:1 = X+Y players, X roleless innocents, Y killers
TMDI:2 = As 1, but a small number of simple roles. Eg: 12 players, 2 Killers, Symp, Healer, BP/Vig.
TMDI:3 = Large number of simple roles.
TMDI:4 = Small number of rare/complex/unique roles or mechanics.
TMDI:5 = Multiple threats to town. Eg: Cult/Serial Killer/Second scum faction.
TMDI:6 = Large number of rare/complex/unique roles or mechanics.
TMDI:7 = No discernible town and scum... ie: factions/cults only.
TMDI:8 = As 7, but with Large number of simple roles and/or uneven teams.
TMDI:9 = As 7, but with Large number of rare/complex or unique roles and/or uneven teams.
TMDI:10 = ROYAL MINDFUCK. As 7, 8 & 9 plus screwy unheard-of mechanics... ie:LOST mafia.
TMDI:10+ = FIELD RESEARCH: multi-faction games with numerous unusual/experimental mechanics, and unrevealed details. ie: HEROES, Reality Dysfunction.
numerous unusual/experimental mechanics, and unrevealed details. ie: HEROES, Reality Dysfunction.
Games to date:
Mafia 13: The Bhokarala game: JumpAround (GMT +2) TMDI 2. Scum win
Mafia 13.5 Revenge of the Mods: DiBs and q21. TMDI 8. Innos win
Mafia 14: The Tale of Coltaine. Macros. TMDI 7. Town wins.
Mafia 15: The Flames game. Obdigore. TMDI 6-8. Flames win.
Mafia 16: TMDI 4. q21 dies Night 1, town wins. (I think)
Mafia 17: Morgoth and DiBs. Culture Game. TMDI 8. Eaters win (JumpAround, Gavin, Dunsparrow, whomever played Spite and Skywalker)
Mafia 18: Obdigore. TMDi 5. Drug-dealing dragons in the Chicago projects. Town wins.
Mafia 19: Dibs and Silence. THe LOST game. game broken, I don't remember who wins. it wasn't the Beach or Cabin.
Mafia 22 The Masked Council: q21 (GMT +1) / TMDI: 4 (President Maker) / Started June 17th / Ended June 22nd (inno win)
Mafia 22.5: GardenGnome (GMT+1) / Finders battle / Started June 23rd / Ended June 25th (inno win)
Mafia 23 Back to Basics: dibs (GMT +0) + Silencer (GMT +13) / TMDI: 1-2 / Started June 25th / Ended July 2nd (evil win)
Mafia 23.5 Back to Back to Basics.... Wait, what?: Jump Around (GMT +2) / TMDI 4 / Started July 3rd / Ended July 7th (dktorode wins)
Mafia 24 Edir Split: Obdigore (GMT +0) / TMDI 10 (cult game) / Started July 16th / Ended July 24th (DARK worshipers win)
Mafia 24.5 - last man standing: Dibs (GMT +0) / TMDI 10 (no killers) / Started July 29th / Ended July 30th (Gem / Vengeance win)
Mafia 25 "Heads will Roll": Bubba (GMT?) and Gem (GMT +1) / TMDI 2 / Started August 4th / Ended August 11th (Inno win)
Mafia 26: Aliens : Vengeance (GMT ?) and Obdigore (GMT ?) / TMDI: 10 / Aliens theme / Started August 18th / Ended August 22nd (Predator/Morgoth win)
Mafia 27: Escape of the Benses: Jump Around (GMT + 2) and Silencer (GMT +13) / TMDI: 4 (Benses) / Started August 24th/ ended September 7th (Innos win)
Mafia 28 : Total Psychosis: Mentalist (GMT -4) and dibs (GMT +0) / TMDI: 7 / Started September 8th/Ended September 12th (Psychopaths win)
Mafia 29: Obdigore's mini / TMDI: 2 Started September 15th/ ended September 16th (evil wins)
Mafia 30: Obdigore / TMDI 10 (Pompeii settings) / Started September 23 / Ended September 30th (Vengeance & alt146 win)
Mafia 31: Not my daughter's wedding: Morgoth / TDMI 9 (close to carbon copy of game 17) / Italian mafia theme /start date: October 13th / end date: October 16th (Di Lauro win)
Mafia 32: Disco Inferno: Grief and Bent / TDMI 2 / Start date: October 17th / end date: October 28th (scum win)
Mafia 33 : Gem / TDMI 9-10 (Heroes theme) / Start date: October 28th/ end date: November 4th (Bubba, q21, Mentalist, Morgoth, Lace and Lisheo win--Team Peter)
Mafia 34 : Dibs(GMT) + Bent (GMT-6?) / TDMI 10+/Reality Dysfunction-themed (Deranged Possession game), requires 2 spoiler heavens. Projected start date: Monday., November 10th. End date: Friday, November 21 (Town wins)
Mafia 34.5 But I don't want to be King - Morgoth (GMt +2) TMDI2--a one-week mini. Start date--November 24 End date: December 2 (evil wins: Silencer, Mentalist, DiBs)
Mafia 35 - Ghostbusters. TMDI 6. Yelow (GMT), co-mods needed. Start date- Dec 3, End date Dec.13 (Baddies win)
Mafia 36 T.L.D.M.S. TMDI 10 Bent (EST) and Bubba (EST). Start date - Dec 15, end date Dec 19. (J_slr wins)
Mafia 36.5 Robots mini. Obdigore Start date Dec 22, End date- Dec 24 (Innos win, humans lose)
Mafia 37: Tapper (GMT) and Vengeance (GMT-5) / Cult game (Roman Empire setting), TMDI 8-10 /16 players. - Start date: Jan 4. End date: Jan 12th (Republicans win)
Mafia 37.5 Dice game mini DiBs (GMT)/TMDI 5 --a dice-therapy, RP heavy mini Started: Jan 15th Ended Jan 17th (Alt146 wins)
Mafia 38: Gavin (New Zealand/Australia) and JA (GMT+2) / Halloween/horror theme TMDI 5 Start date: Jan 18th End date: Feb 1 (psychopaths win: DiBs, Stalker, Vengeance, Twist)
Mafia 38.5: Mentalist (GMT-5) Tapper (GMT+2), "Scourge of the Circle" TMDI 4-6, based of a game "Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain" Start date: Feb. 2nd end date: Fe. 6th (Scum Win)
Mafia 39: Seguleh-themed Merc game, DiBs (GMT) TMDI 9, signups open Feb 9th, Start date: Feb 10th. End date: Feb. 17th (Ice wins)
Mafia 39.5: Kurt Montadon (PST),"Pirates,vs. Ninjas" high body count guaranteed 12 + player mini. start date: feb 18. End date: Feb 24. (Pirates win. Shit-flinging monkey (Obdigore) wins).
Mafia 40: Vengeance (EST) and Tapper (GMT+1) /TMDI 8-12 Aliens v. 2.0 Start date: Feb 25 End Date: March 3rd (Innos win)
Mafia 40.5: Sixty (EST) and Grief (GMT), 15-16 players TMDI 4, prison-themed Start date: March 4th End Date: March 6th (Jester (Morgoth) wins)
Mafia 40.75 Obbdigore--due to popular demand, TMDI 2, 12 player mini.start date: March 9th, ended: march 13th (innos win)
Mafia 41: Obdigore / TMDI 10 / Oxygen-spaceship, start date: march 16th, End date: march 22 (some humans wins)
Mafia 41.5 : Bent (GMT-6), TMDI 1-2, CLUE set-up, co-mods needed. start date: March 23 end date: march 28 (Scum win - Yellow, Morgoth)
Mafia 42: Gem Windcaster, TMDI 10+, Heroes v.2.0.: Timelines. Start date: March 30th End date: April 14th (team Alpha season 3 firs half wins--Obdigore, Morgoth, bwgan)
Mafia 42.5 Tapper (GMT) Mexican standoff, needs 13players, TMDI 4 Start date: April 15th End date: April 15th (13 hour game) (Posse wins)
Mafia 43: Mentalist (EST) and Grief (GMT) TMDI 6-8 ( crazy-roles Town vs many kinds of scum), "Vampire: the Masquerade" setting Expected start date April 16th End Dadte: April 22nd (Sabbat wins--bwgan, Masterblue, D'rek, Vengeance, Stalker, Bent, Silencer)
Mafia 44: Bent (GMT-6), Barfight, TMDI 1-2 (classic meat and potatoes full-sized game), Start Date: Apr 23, End Date: Apr 30 (Scum wins--Tapper, Malaese, Vengeance, Hoosierdaddy)
Mafia 45: Gavin (Western AUS), TMDI 2-4, Princess Bride theme. Start Date: May 4, End Date: May 11 (Innocents win)
Mafia 45.5: Jump Around (GMT +2) bwgan (GMT ?) / Benses 13-players mini Start Date: May 12, End Date: May 22 (Scum wins--Shinrei, Sixty, Peanutbutta)
Mafia 46: alt146 (GMT +2) DiBs (GMT) Monastery murders TMDI 6. Date: May 27, End Date: June 3 (Innocents Win)
Mafia 46.5: Lisheo (GMT) and Grief (GMT) - Deepgate Codex merc w/Cult. Dates: (). John Anchor's team wins (Bent, Breadmaster, Peanutbutta, Gem, Dktorode).
Mafia 47: Morgoth (GMT +2) and Vengeance (GMT -5) TDMI 6 / City of Saints and Madmen; June 22-30; Infecteds win (Obdigore, Slick Mongoose, alt146, DiBs, Shinrei)
Mafia 47,5: Malaese TMDI 3 / Jihad!; Jul 1-3; Americans (scum) win (Silencer, Morgoth)
Mafia 48: Sixty (EST) and Mentalist (EST), Lies of Locke Lamora merc. TMDI 7-8, 14-18 players. Start date: July 6th, end date: July 10th (Team Barsavi wins--Peanutbutter, Tapper, HoosierDaddy, bwgan, morgoth45, Vengeance)
Mafia 48.5: Peanutbutta (PST) Team Fortress two mini, TMDI 2, July 11-13, 9 players. (RED Team--Spy--wins: HoosierDaddy)
Mafia 49: Highlander-themed game with power absorptions <> Tapper (GMT+1) (D'rek wins)
Mafia 49.5: The Finders mini <> Obdigore <> Ended July 22 (PB wins)
Mafia 50: Rot3K Chapter 1: The Yellow Turban Rebellion <> D'rek (GMT-5) <> TMDI 4 <> July 27-31 <> Han forces (town) win.
Mafia 50.5: Classic Mafia <> Sixty <> TMDI 4 <> August 3-6 <> Scum wins (Dibs, Morgoth, Shinrei)
Mafia 50.6: Office Wars <> Obdigore <> August 10-14 <> Scum win (Slick, Silencer, Bent, Grief, Morgoth)
Mafia 51: Rot3K Chapter 2: The Tyranny of Dong Zhuo <> D'rek (GMT-5) and Silencer <> TMDI 6ish <> August 19-21 <> Yuan Shao's forces (town) win.
Mafia 51.5: The Long Road: Morgoth (GMT+2)Town v. Scum v. SK TMDI 4-6, Start date: Aug 25th, end date:September 3rd (Scum Win)
Mafia 51.75: Open Season: DiBs (GMT), TMDI 4-5 Start date: Sept 9, end date: Sept 13 (Scum wins)
Mafia 13.75: Rep Whores 2: DiBs (GMT), rehash of the classic, TMDI 7-8, Start date: Sept 15, end date: September 20th (innos win)
Mafia 52: Spycraft: Carribean Revolutions: Tapper (GMT+2) and Peanutbutta (PST, town v. scum merc game, TMDI 11. Start date: September 21st, End date: Sept 30th (Russians and Americans win)
Mafia 52.5: Attack of the Psychic bugs Alt 146 (GMT+2) and Vengeance (GMT-5), 2 cults vs town game, TMDI 6-7, Start date: Oct 2. End Date: Oct 7 (innos win(
Mafia 52.75: Star Trek Game. General King (GMT) and Bent (GMT -6)TMDI 8-9, Start date: Oct 8, End Date:
Oct 14 (Scum Win)
Mafia 52.875: Predator Mini. Vengeance (GMT-5)Tapper(GMT+2), TMDI-7 a merc mini with predators. Start date: October 15, End Date: october 18th (Team 1 and 2 draw)
Mafia 53: Twilight-themed multi-faction townvscum game - D'rek(GMT-5) & Shinrei(Japan) TMDI 9/10+ Start Date: October 21st, End date: Oct 30th. Illuyankas wins as Torvald Nom, Town takes 2nd place.
Mafia 53.5 Bletchley Park General King(GMT) and Mentalist (GMT-5), fairly standard M&P game. TMDI 4-5, expected Start date: Nov. 2nd (PB and Morgoth draw with the town)
Mafia 54: Dresden files themed, Multiple factions, "story-based" Obdigore (GMT-6) & Dinivan (GMT +1), TMDI 10+, start date: November 16th, End date: December 2nd. Denarians, Summer Court and Vampires win, special award to Tapper and PB for extremely honourable action.
Mafia 55: Kill Bill \\ Peanutbutta (PST) \\ TMDI 6-8 \\ 7-Dec-'09 to 17-Dec \\ Baudin (Bride) Obdi (Hanzo) and The Dude (Pai Mei assassin) win.
Mafia 55.2: Indiana Jones and the Evil Mine (with Funny Hats) \\ Obdigore \\ 21-Dec-'09 to 29-Dec \\ Indy(Scum) win - Shinrei, Mentalist, The Dude
Mafia 55.5: Uncle Ben's revenge \\ Bubba (GMT-5) \\ TMDI 2 \\ 3-Jan-'10 to 10-Jan-'10 \\ Town Wins
Mafia 56: Citadels \\ Sir Thursday \\ TMDI 4 \\ Jan 17 to 26 \\ Scum win (Bent, The Dude, Shinrei)
Mafia 57: Matrix-themed Gem Windcaster TMDI 5 \\ Feb 1 to 4 \\ Town wins
Mafia 58: Rot3K Chapter 3: The Rise of Heroes <> D'rek(GMT-5) <> TMDI 8 <> Feb 8-20 -> Yuan Shao(Gem)'s faction wins: Gem, Gwynn, PB and Bubba, with assistance from The Dude. Shinrei and Mentalist survive to the end.
Mafia 58.5: The Ikeda-Ya incident \\ Shinrei \\ Scum win: Bent and The Dude play everyone.
Mafia 59: The Night Watch (Lukyanenko) General King (GMT) and Mentalist (GMT-5), TMDI 9
Mafia 60: '80s Horror \\ Merc game \\ Morgoth(GMT+2) TMDI 10, Apr 5 - 15 \\ Tie between Freddies and Jasons
Mafia 61: Rot3K Chapter 4 - Liu Bei's Conspiracy \\ D'rek(GMT-5) \\ TMDI 1 \\ The Han court (Town) wins
Mafia 62: Meat vs Potatoes \\
Mafia 63: Spycraft 2: Trouble in Tokyo. Tapper (GMT+2) Venge co-modding, TMDI 12, May 18th to 31st \\ Europeans win: The Dude, alt146, Bend and Gavin
Mafia 63.5: The Gongsun Family's Pride (A Tale of tRot3K) \\ D'rek w/ Tapper co-modding \\ July 12 to 14 \\ Gongsun Zan's forces (scum) win: dktorode, alt and Silencer
Mafia 63.75: Shuffling HHM \\ Tapper \\ Scum win (alt146, The Dude and Vengeance)
Mafia 63.85: The Silence of the Lambs \\ Silencer \\ Town and Hannibal (Vengeance) Win.
Mafia 64: TF2 v2. PB (GMT-8). TMDI 4. \\ The Dude wins
Mafia 64.1: The Culling of the memes. mods unknown (to me), TMDI: low Scum win
Mafia 64.5: CFUM. Silencer (NZ) and Peanutbutta (GMT-8) TMDI: 9, I think? Cult wins
Mafia 65: Poker game. DIBS (GMT) TMDI 6. alt146 wins.
Mafia 66: Warhammer 40,000. Mentalist (GMT-6) and Tapper (GMT+2) TMDI 8. Chaos (alt 146 and Bubba) win.
Mafia 67: Mistborn alt 146 (GMT+2), H.D. and Peanutbutta.TMDI 8 House Venture wins.
Mafia 67.5: Not CFUM at all! <> Silencer <> Cult of Dark wins (dkt, The Dude, Dibs, Shinrei)
Mafia 67.75: M&P <> Tapper <> Orcs win (PB, Grief, Bubba)
Mafia 68: Rot3K Chapter 5: The Battle of Shang Yong <> D'rek(GMT-5) <> Huang Zhong and Zhang Xiu's factions win (Defiance, Kurt Montandon, Silencer, Roldom, The Dude, Tapper, Tattersail)
Mafia 69: Battle Royale (the movie) <> Shinrei, Tapper, HD <> TMDI 8 <> 18 players, scum faction wins (alt146, Tigress, Trull's Son and Giles).
Mafia 70: The Rome II game <> Tapper <> tmdi 8 <> 13 players <> town wins
Mafia 70.5: [mini - can be played earlier] Rot3K Tales: The Stalwart Ma Teng (fast) <> D'rek <> 17 players, scum (dibs, lizra, grief, trulls son) win
Mafia 71: Culture poker <> Drinksinbars <> tmdi 8 or so <> 17 players <> Kraiklyn faction wins
Mafia 71.5: Spycraft 2.5: Midnight in Malaysia <> tmdi 4-5 <> 13 players <> town (Syndicate) wins and gets benefits next game.
Mafia 72: Survivor: Mafia <> PB <> TMDI ??? <> 16/18/20 players <> Dkt wins.
Mafia 73: Aperture Mafia <> D'rek <> TMDI 3 <> 15 players <> team scum (Silencer, Mott, ansible) wins.
Mafia 74: Into the Gap Mafia <> HiddenOne <> TMDI: 7+ <> 16 players <> UMCP (dkt, mentalist, alt146) wins
Mafia 75: Black Company Mafia <> Lizra <> TMDI 9 <> 17 players <> can't find who won, but it looks like the White Rose
Mafia 75.5: Rot3K The Nanman Rebellion <> D'rek <> 12 players <> Yan dynasty wins (ansible, Tattersail, Khellendros, Shinrei, Roldom, Twelve)
Mafia 76: A Gathering of Villains <> Grief <> 14 players <> Agents won?
Mafia 76.5: a trentacular horror <> Morgoth <> 16 players <> scum (Tapper, ansible, dkt) wins
Mafia 77: the mafia and the fbi <> Vengeance <> 21 players <> FBI (Khell, Morgoth, Tapper, HiddenOne, dktorode, Jump Around + recruits) wins
Mafia 78: Rot3K 7: End of the Three Kingdoms <> D'rek <> Gongsun Zan's Force (dktorode, Mott) wins
Mafia 78.5: Ragnar's Escape <> Morgoth <> TMDI 1 <> 15 players <> scum (twelve, The Dude, Khellendros) wins
Mafia 79: Warring States 1: the Rise of the Hojo <> Shinrei <> TMDI 3 <> 17 players <> Town wins
Mafia 79.5 Occupy Wallstreet <> JLV <> TMDI 2 <> 10 players <> town wins
Mafia 79.75: ToD 0.33: The Nepeth Drought <> Tapper <> TMDI 10 <> 13 players <> Nepeth (lizra, ansible, tattersail, Silencer/ The Dude) win
Mafia 80: the Benses IV: Flocking Dragons <> JA <> TMDI 3 <> 13 players <> Benses (Gust Hubb -> Tapper, Tattersail) win
Mafia 81: Sengoku Jidai 2: Wolves of the East <> Shinrei <> TMDI 7 <> 20 players <> Fujiwara (The Dude, King Lear, D'rek, Starling, Mott) win
Mafia 82: the Hamlet (a.k.a, Tyrant Steve) <>Twelve <> TMDI 6 <> Cult Wins.
Mafia 83: Ambience <> D'rek (GMT-5) <> TMDI 8 <> as many players as can play <> town wins.
Mafias 84 :Forum Maintenance (JLV)
A-Newb game - scum wins (GH, bliss, DeadHedge)
B-Vet game- scum Wins (dkt, D'rek, JA, Khell)
Mafia 85: Warring States Interlude One: Imperial Influences (Sengoku 2.5). Shinrei 21 players needed, low TMDI. Hosokawa Group wins (Starling, Gavin, Mentalist, Bubba and Tattersail)
Mafia 86: ToD 0.66: The Election of the Defterdar <> Tapper <> TMDI 10 <> Houses of Agreement + allies win (Tattersail, The Dude, JLV, Khellendros, Sir Thursday).
Mafia 87: Zombies! <> JLV and PB, and Dinivan <> TMDI high <> Walker Group (Starling, Theblindsapper, Mentalist, Ansible, Mott, King Lear) & Independent Priest (Bubba) win.
Mafia 87.5: The Numbers Game <> SirThursday <> TMDI 1 <> 12 players<>Scum (Macros, RetiredTalon) wins.
Mafia 88: Arkham City <> Mentalist (GMT -6) and Lizra (GMT+1) <> TMDI 10 <> 22 players<> A town v 3 cults v Batman (BB), many roles, a few experimental twists<>Penguin's Gang (Lady Bliss, Silencer, Ansible, King Lear, Tattersail, Use of Weapons, Blaspheming Peon of Fail/TG/Benevolence/etc) wins.
Mafia 88.5: Don't Mess with the Cartel <> Azathmaster, Lizra <> TMDI 2 <> 14 players <> Scum win (DiBs, Tattersail, Lady Bliss) <> 18-27 June
Mafia 89: Espers <> D'rek (co-mods: Grief, Silencer) <> TMDI 10+ <> 15 players <> town wins
Mafia 89.5: Malazan Idol <> Tapper <> M&P <> Scum win (D'rek, Grief, Ansible)
Mafia 89.75: Happy Never After (Disney themed) <> TMDI 2 <> Mott <> Scum win (KL and HO)
Mafia 91: Dresden v2 <> Obdigore <> Dresden and friends, and Summer Court win
Mafia 91.5: Mean Girls <> Blend <> town wins
Mafia 92: Sengoku 3 <> Shinrei <> TMDI 8 <> Hosokawa wins, Blend is top assassin
Mafia 92.5: The Crusade <> JLV <> Scum wins (Giles, Khell, Blend)
Mafia 93: I Spy a Spy <> Lizra <> TMDI 7 <> Gnaw wins
Mafia 93.5: "The Timeline Is Not Important!" <> D'rek <> TMDI 1 with one extra crazy mechanic <> Scum win (HO, Hinter, Lizra)
Mafia 94: Tales of the Desert 1.0 <> Tapper <> TMDI 10+ <> Game ends prematurely
Mafia 94.5: Stranded! <> Sixty <> town wins
Mafia 95: Legend of Korra <> Blend <> Korra, Bolin, Lin and Republic City win
Mafia 96: Back to the Beginning <> Bubba <> Silencer, HiddenOne, Bonecaster, and Lady Bliss win
Mafia 97: Timelords <> Blend <> Sundays win (Ornery Owl, Khell, Azathmaster, EM, The Dude, HO)
Mafia 97.5: When Friends Fall Out <> Gnaw <> scum win (Tattersail, Bonecaster)
Mafia 98: The Way of Kings <> Azathmaster <> Thanadar wins (Ment, Corv, Gnaw, Tattersail, HHD)
Mafia 99: Back to "Back to Basics" But not Back to "Back to Back to Basics... wait what?"... my face hurts <> TMDI:0 <> Scum win (Khell, Tapper)
Mafia 100: The Centennial <> D'rek + Tapper/Shin <> 27 players! <> Serial Killer (Sylar/Predator/Pai Mei) wins (The Dude)
Mafia 101: Meat & Potatoes <> Blend <> Scum win (Khell, Trull's Son, Brujah)
Mafia 102: Timelords 2: The Rebellion <> Blend <> Timelord Faction wins (led by Khell)
Mafia 102.2: M&P <> Lizradus <> Scum win (Khell, Ment, The Dude)
Mafia 103: Codex Alera <> Blend <> Vord win (Khell)
Mafia 104: Shinrei <> Sengoku #4 <> Scum win (Lisheo, Brujah, Roldom, Azathmaster, Lady Bliss)
Mafia 105: Tapper <> Ghoul Gulch <> The University win (Messremb, Azathmaster, Lisheo, D'rek)
Mafia 105.5: Azathmaster <> Assassin in White <> Town Wins
Mafia 106: Khellendros <> The Name of the Rose <> Town Wins
Mafia 107: Blend <> Meat vs. Potatoes <> Scum win (Tattersail, Ansible, Brujah)
Mafia 107.5: Messremb <> Messremb & Potatoes <> Town Wins
Mafia 108: Blend <> Timelords 3: The Timestream <> TMDI: 6 <> King Sunday's Court Wins (Azathmaster, Tapper, Tattersail, ansible, Khellendros, Brujah)
Mafia 109: Tatts <> Gardens of the Moon <> TMDI: 3 <> Scum Win (HiddenOne, Vengeance, TheDude)
Mafia 110: Tapper <> SpyCraft: I Spy With My Little Eye <> Scum win
Mafia 111: Shinrei <> Fist of the North Star <> Scum win (ansible, Dolmen, Macros)
Mafia 112: D'rek <> Brighter than Day <> TMDI:6 <> Serial killer (Khell) wins
Mafia 112.5: Blend <> Betrayal at House on the Hill <> TMDI:2 <> Scum (Vengeance, Brujah, Sir Thursday) win
Mafia 112.79: Shinrei <> Meat and Potatoes <> TMDI: 1 <> Scum (Blend, Gnaw) win
Mafia 113.25: Vengeance <> Unalted Mini <> TMDI: 2 <> Town wins
Mafia 113.5: Messremb <> Potatoes and Potatoes <> TMDI: 2 <> Town wins
Mafia 113.75: Shinrei & Gnaw <> Sengoku 5 <> TMDI: 6 <> Rokkaku win (D'rek, Obdigore, The Unfound, Tattersail)
Mafia 114: Blend <> Gladiators <> TMDI: 4-5 <> town wins
Mafia 115: Obdigore / Dresden 3 / TMDI 10+ / (Emperor Magus (Loner) ; Twelve (Rawlins), Messremb (Sigrun Loner/Team 1) and Brujah (Vittorio Malvora Loner) win
Mafia 115.5: Gnaw / They Eat Their Young TMDI 2 (Scum wins)
Mafia 116: Tapper / Noblesse Oblige TMDI 6 (Town Wins)
Mafia 116.25: Vengeance/ altless Mafia Mini/ TMDI 4/ Town Wins
Mafia 116.5: Vengeance / Predator Mini / TMDI 3 (Kuk Clan - Tattersail, Khell, GH win)
Mafia 116.67: Vengeance/ Predator mini II TMDI 3 (Duk and Bak clan tie)
Mafia 116.75: EM + Venge / "The Devoted" / TMDI 2 /(Scum Bubba and Gnaw win)
Mafia 117: Lizra / Quantum Mafia / TMDI 9/ (town wins)
Mafia 117.5: Gnaw / Mini with dice/ TMDI 7 / (The Jester (EM) wins)
Mafia 118: Blend / Legend of Korra 2/ TMDI 10/ Town wins)
Mafia 119: Obdigore/ Dresden # 4 / TMDI 8/ (Team Winter: Tattersail, Messremb, Inane Babble win)
Mafia 118.5: Blend / Escape From Malaz City mini / TMDI 3 / (town wins)
Mafia 118.75: Blend/ Gedderone Fete at the Simtal Estate mini / TMDI 4 / (Town Wins)
Mafia 119 (again): D'rek /Fate\Something themed /TMDI 9 / Mess and Khell win
Mafia 120: Khell/ Hounded! / TMDI 2/ Scum (Shin and Tatts) win
Mafia 121: Tapper/ Noblesse Oblige: No Blessings from Old Men / TMDI 10 / (called early because reasons)
Mafia 122: Shin / Whatever mafia/ TMDI 9/ (Town and Cult (King Lear) draw)
Mafia 122.5: Blend/ Pandemic! /TMDI 4 / Scum (Andorion, Vengeance, The Unfound) win
Mafia 123: Vengeance: / Predator mini - Bubba's revenge/ TMDI 5 / Bubba wins
Mafia 124: Khell / Let Sleeping Dogs Lie - 2 phase game / TMDI 6 / Scum (Mess. Andorion, Hidden one) win
Mafia "Negative": Shin / TMDI 2/ (town wins)
Mafia 124.5\125: Blend/ Cults and Spirits / TMDI 3/ (Cult: Mess, Tatts and Shin win)
Mafia 126: Balrog Lord\Linear Philosopher + Venge/ Death note / TMDI 3/ (town wins)
Mafia 126.5: Blend /Wolf in Sheep's clothing/ TMDI 2/ (Scum: Tatts, Gredgfallan Ale, Ainsible win)
Mafia 127: Blend / D&D 1: Wizards, Rogues, Barbarians/ TMDI 10 / (Wizards: Charlie Nom, Gnaw, LP, Tatts, Tapper win)
Mafia 128: Gnaw, Vengeance, Macros / Cliche Storm/ TMDI 10+ / Town (Messremb, Andorion, Tapper, LP, GH, Nom, Gredfallan Ale) win
Mafia 128.5: Blend / Steak Frites/ TMDI 2 / (scum: Venge, Mess, Lady B win)
Mafia 128.75: Calm's Peace / Santa's Workshop/ (game thread cuts off)
Mafia 128.75: Blend/ Altless mini / TMDI 2 / (Scum: Gnaw, Mess, Bubba win)
Mafia 129: Tapper / A murder of Symps / TMDI 6 / Town (Tattersail, Khellendros. Gnaw, Charlie Nom, Blend, Gredfallan Ale, Vengeance) wins
Mafia 130: Shinrei / Sengoku Ch 6 / TMDI ? / Uesugi win (Hidden One, The Unfound, HD, Khell, Grief, Blend, Vengenace, Ainsible, Andorion)
Mafia 130.5:Tattersail /Last man standing / TMDI 3 / Khellendros wins
Mafia 131: Blend / Dungeons & Dragons 2 / TMDI 10 / Bonehunters (Lady B, LP, Khell, Trull's Son, Nom, Mess) win
Mafia 131.5: Gnaw / The list /altless / TMDI 2 / Scum (Khell, JPK, Mess) win
Mafia 131.75: : Blend/ TMDI 2/ Town (Macros, Andorion, JPK, Mentalist, Tattersail, Messremb, Tapper, Dhenrabi, Lady Bliss, Venge, Shinrei, Coltaine93) wins
Mafia 132: Lady B / The Ofiice Wars / TMDI 4/ (Team Schrute Gnaw, Tatts, Khell, JPK win)
Mafia 133: Lady B / Buffy the Vampire Slayer / TMDI 7 / (Vampires: Tatts, EM, Ment, Siergej, Khell, Nom, Bubba win)
Mafia 133.5: Blend (flavour inspired by Venge's idea) / The Cabin / TMDI 5 / Town (Ment, Siergiej, JPK, EM, Coltaine, Messremb, Nom, Gnaw, Tatts, Bubba, Khell, Ando) wins
Mafia 133.75: JPK / M&P / TMDI 2-4 / Town (Bliss, Venge, Ment, Mess, Nom, Tatts, Siergiej, EM, Coltaine, Ando, Blend) wins
Mafia 134: Blend / Dungeons & Dragons 3 / TMDI 10 / The Fifth (Nom, Andorion, JPK) win
Mafia 134.5: Messremb / Artless Mafia - altless / TMDI 2 / Scum (Macros, Dolmen, SiergieJ) win
Mafia 134.75: Blend / Faceless Men and Serial Killers Oh My! / TMDI 3? / Serial Killer (JPK) wins
Mafia 135: Blend / Murders on the canals of Venice / TMDI 2 / Scum (Mentalist, Kruppe of Darujhistan, Dolmen) win
Mafia 136: Macros / its mafia...... 136 (offthread communication allowed) / TMDI 4? / Town (Mess, SiergieJ, Ansible, Tatts, Nom, Khell, Kruppe) win
Mafia 136.5: Blend / Meta Madness / TMDI 4 / Scum (Khellendros, Nom, Kruppe of Darujhistan) win
Mafia 137: Blend / Cpt. America: Civil War / TMDI 8 / Team Iron Man (Gnaw, Khellendros, Mentalist, Messremb, ansible) win
Mafia 137.5: Itwรฆs Nom / Blood Follows / TMDI 4 / Scum (SiergieJ, Blend) win
Mafia 138: LinearPhilosopher / Reaturn of Death Note Mafia / TMDI 3 / Town (Macros, SirThursday, Siergiej, Andorion, Gnaw/Messremb, Lady Bliss, Tatts, Ment, JPK) win
Mafia 138.5: Siergiej / Evil Twins / TMDI 2 / Scum (Macros, Tattersail) win
Mafia 139: Blend / Dungeons & Dragons 4 / TMDI 10 / Tie between Bridgeburners (Lady Bliss, EmperorMagus, Messremb) and The Fifth (Tattersail, Sir Thursday, ItWasNom)
Mafia 139.5: Lady Bliss / Naked Mafia / TMDI 2 / Scum (Mentalist, HoosierDaddy, Messremb) win
Mafia 140: Blend / The Cults of Innsmouth / TMDI 5 / The Order of the Beast wins (Khellendros, Lady Bliss, Messremb, Tattersail_)
Mafia 141: Sir Thursday / Murder in the Morgue / TMDI 4 / Innocents win (Itwaes Nom, Mentalist, SiergieJ, Lady Bliss, Blend, JPK, Macros, Andorion)
Mafia 141.5: Blend / Innsmouth / TMDI 2 / Scum (Khellendros, Messremb, Sir Thursday) win
Mafia 142: JPK / Rise of the Dark Sorcerer / TMDI 6 / PS blunder ends the game, tie between the Town and the Dark Apprentice (Khell)
Mafia 142.5: Blend / Bauchelain & Korbal Broach / TMDI 2 / Game stalls due to no kills or lynches, everyone lost
Mafia 143: Blend / Innsmouth: The Dreamlands / TMDI 8 / Johannes Cabal faction (Mentalist, Gust Hubb, Khellendros, Kruppe of Darujhistan) and Phobic Animus (Nom) win
Mafia 144: Lady Bliss / Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 / TMDI 4 / The Slayer and Humans (Andorion, Gust Hubb, Tatts, Nom, Kruppe of Darujhistan, House) win
Mafia 144.5: Blend / Unalted M&P / TMDI 2 / Scum (Mentalist, Macros, Tattersail) win
Mafia 145: Blend / D&D 5: Dungeons & Dragons 4 / TMDI 10 / Bridgeburners (Tattersail, Gust Hubb, JPK) win
Mafia 145.5: Messremb / M&P / TMDI 1 / Scum (Lady Bliss, Khell) win
Mafia 145.75: JPK / Unalted Werewolf / TMDI 1 / Town (Andorion, Gust Hubb, Nom, Khell, Lady Bliss, Ment, SiergieJ) wins
Mafia 145.9: Blend / Scumhunt / TMDI 2 / Town (Gust Hubb, Tatts, Andorion, Khell, Nom, Ment, Bubba, Macros, EmperorMagus) wins
Mafia 146: Tattersail / The Benses V / TMDI 4 / Scum (Ment, Mess) win
Mafia 146.5: Blend / Revenge of the Potatoes / TMDI 2 / Scum (Khell, HD, Tatts) win
Mafia 146.75: Vengeance / Predator Mini / TMDI 5 / Dolmen, Andorion win
Mafia 147: Blend / M&P / TMDI 1 / Town (Macros, Mess, Ment, JPK, Nom, Dolmen, Gnaw) wins
Mafia 147.5: Azathmaster / The Office / TMDI 1 / Scum (Bubba, JPK) win
Mafia 148: Messremb / Santa's sleigh / TMDI 3 / Scum (Nom, SiergieJ) win
Mafia 149: JPK / Baby Shark do do dodo dodo / TMDI 2 / Scum (Tatts, Nom) win
Mafia 149.5: Nom / Pete & Motatoes / TMDI 1 / Scum (Grief, Gem) win
Mafia 150: Tattersail / Lockdown Hell / TMDI 3 / Town (Gust, dkt, HO, Khell, Straw, Siergiej, the Unfound, EM, JPK, Ment, Nom, Gem, ansible, Dolmen) wins
Mafia 150.5: Nom / M&P / TMDI 2 / Scum (Bliss, Macros, Gem) win
This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 21 June 2020 - 10:37 PM